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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Resolution Honoring Supervisor John Pinches

Supervisor Pinches has been an outstanding Supervisor who has always put the interests of Mendocino County and its residents first and who has been open to all points of view.

Off the Record (Dec 23, 2014)

WE DOVE DEEP the other afternoon in an impromptu office discussion about torture. A friend said she thought people everywhere were getting worse, especially American people. The rest of us said versions of.... While we…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Dec 23, 2014

101 Fatality;
Hamburg/Sinnott Union;
Macheted Officer Released;
Solstice Kingtides;
Saulsbury Witnesses;
Oaky Joe Calendars;
Catch of the Day;
Christian Torture;
Dumb Left;
FB Robbers;
Santa Suggests;
First Hippie;
LAFCo Watchpup;
Holiday Reading

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Dec 22, 2014

_ambert _ane;
Dope & Crime;
Federal Bari Investigation;
AVHC Job Opening;
Feds Pop Graves;
Dom-Vi Volunteers;
Catch of the Day;
Bouquet Meter;
Rejecting Violence;
KZYX Board Meeting;
Run, Liz, Run

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Dec 21, 2014

Home Invasion;
Navarro Forecast;
Weed Series;
Police Reports;
Sea Rise;
Hoopa Confrontation;
Catch of the Day;
Grotesque Truths;
Christmas Trees;
FBI Errors;
Palace Inertia;
Visit California;
LBJ University

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Dec 20, 2014

Helen Leslie;
Hoopa Confrontation;
Soggy Palace;
Cancer Resource;
Shale Game;
Irish Soup;
Let it Rain;
Smith River;
Year of Solar;
Secret Votes;
Winter Market;
Cannabis Legislation;
Listen, Yankee;
Catch of the Day;
Bust Anatomy

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Dec 19, 2014

High Surf;
High Tides;
Thanks, John;
Craigslist Hoax;
Hwy 20 Casualty;
School Safety;
Sophisticated Dystopia;
Carmel's Assistant;
Ending Capitalism;
Catch of the Day;
Cuba, Finally;
Castro’s Address;
Uncontainable Night;
Facing Facebook;
Secret Government

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Dec 18, 2014

Ted Galletti;
Old Acquaintances;
Frost Protection FAQ;
Winter Solstice;
AVHC Healing;
Marshall's Plea;
FB Robbery;
Catch of the Day;
Green Day;
Lobbyist Dellums;
Movie Threats;
NCRA Dispute;
Cuba Normalization;
Bubble Economy;
The Storm;
Oil Trains;
Stream Restoration;
Winning Buds;
Pump Stickers

AVHC Board Meeting (with Agenda)

The December meeting of the AVHC Board will be held today, Wednesday, December 17 at the Rose Room at the Anderson Valley Museum at 5:30 p.m. Meeting Agenda 5:30-5:35 Call to order, Introductions, Establish Quorum, Approval of…
