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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Rainwater Catchment Class

August 1 - Learn how to access thousands of gallons of rainwater for garden and household. Rainwater harvest may have already caught your interest during this historic drought. Sign up and learn how, where, and why rainwater catchment systems are a valuable part of water security at properties around the world. This hands-on class will provide you the skills to install a basic rainwater catchment system, and the knowledge to comply with building codes.

Elk Fire’s Annual BBQ, July 25

The Elk Volunteer Fire Department invites you to its 11th annual Summer BBQ to be held Saturday, July 25, from noon to 4 p.m. at the Greenwood Community Center on Highway 1 in downtown Elk.…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Frontpage Confusion;
Hero Fair;
Parade Notes;
Strike Zone;
Tattoo Decline;
Crawlspace Bennett;
Yesterday's Catch;
Hawthorne Timberland;
Crash, Burn;
Ocean Temps;
Gunshow Victim;
Listening Hour;
Nine Fracks;
KZYX Moneyhole;
Restoring Non-persons

Mendocino County Today: Monday, July 6, 2015

Sage Words;
Where's Lisa?;
Traffic Stop;
Yesterday's Catch;
Candidate Bernie;
Respect App;
HHSA Collapse;
Lopez Depositions;
Greeks Vote "No";
KMEC Radio

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, July 5, 2015

Kelisha Bites;
Hump Jumps;
Muir Emotes;
Expiration Date;
SF Homeless Budget;
Man Suffering;
Cable Cutter;
Yesterday's Catch;
Fight Night;
Bernie Not;
NPR Jazz;
Dinner Cold;
Water Exclusion;
Marco Radio

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, July 4, 2015

Declaring Independence;
Turner Recall Stalled;
WA Vineyard Noise;
Tough Fish Talk;
Catch of the Day;
FB Fireworks;
Inarticulate Official;
Los Angeles;
Hanging On;
Country Hellos;
FB History;
Fracking Regs

Mendocino County Today: Friday, July 3, 2015

Weather Watching;
McKenty Popped;
Street Violence;
Palace Dilemma;
Yesterday's Catch;
Mountain Raid;
AV Memories;
Wolf Fest;
Vigorous Protest;
Fundraiser Fizzles;
Wild Mustangs;
Revenge Killing;
Overprescription Epidemic;
Fire Restrictions;
Health Survey;
Escareno's Chance;
Defendants Plea;
Stop War;
Two Races;
Mendopride March;
FBI/DOJ Findings;
Minimum Wage;
Examining Racism

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, July 2, 2015

Heat Warning;
Bypass Herbicides;
Burke Fire;
Fire Restrictions;
Police Reports;
Called Sheriff;
Judge's Instructions;
Murder Investigation;
Vaccination Ideas;
Swan Swap;
Prosecution Stats;
Yesterday's Catch;
Extorting Greece;
Toxic Spill;
Mendo Events

Not-So-Simple, July 24-26

The Not-So-Simple Living Fair is a weekend of rural living skills education, homesteading workshops, back to the land demonstrations, music, and dance, held July 24-26, at the Mendocino County fairgrounds in Boonville. This is a…
