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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Sep 24, 2015

Fire Fatality;
Urban Coyotes;
Supermoon Eclipse;
Baseball Memories;
Red Cross Questions;
Public Records;
Not Local;
Marmon's Termination;
Busting Pinoleville;
Police Reports;
Warrant Wednesday;
Yesterday's Catch;
Yogi Berra;
LA Homeless;
Chico Homeless;
Mendo Funding;
Industry Capture;
Debt Bombs;
County Vacancies;
Library Events;
Marco v Gordo;
Slam Dunking;
DC Attitudes

Recruiting & Retaining Deputies

(Excerpted from Mendocino County Undersheriff Randy Johnson's report to the Board of Supervisors, September 8, 2015) “It's difficult to get qualified candidates. Of the qualified candidates you do get there are still a percentage that don't…

Letters (Sep 23, 2015)

As California's epic drought plunges into its fourth year, Californians are desperately seeking ways to use less water in their daily lives with such measures as taking fewer and shorter showers, flushing less often, turning off the tap while brushing, washing the car less often and replacing lawns with drought tolerant plants being heavily promoted by State water agencies.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Sep 23, 2015

Lake County;
Homeless Dopeheads;
Losak Resigns;
Pinoleville Bust;
Under God;
Creekside Picnic;
FB Planning;
Bear Hunt;
Destructive Impulse;
Yesterday's Catch;
U.S. Militarism;
U.S. Socialism;
Turquoise Chicken;
Museum Events;
Jazz Club;
Midnight Rambler

Off the Record (Sep 23, 2015)

CLIPPIES are collecting signatures in shopping areas around the County to qualify a June 2016 ballot measure that would prevent timber companies from hack-and-squirt tree thinning. The initiative already has a broad base of support,…

Valley People (Sep 23, 2015)

RICK WYANT. I set eyes on my brother in this life for the last time yesterday. With the exception of faint sobs and sighs, the room was fairly silent. However, inside my head I heard…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015

Valley Fire;
Open Government;
Defending Shawn;
Local Food;
Federal Protection;
Howard & Zack;
Drug Gouger;
Yesterday's Catch;
Prop I;
Ocean Rocks;
FCC Declaration;
Prison Protest;
Library Events;
Troubled Planet;
Yazzle 2016

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Sep 21, 2015

Fire Season;
Valley Fire;
Romi's Burgled;
Bob Whitney;
Plywood Ramp;
FCS in Crisis;
Hunters Point;
Yesterday's Catch;
Gay Doritos;
WW1 Ordnance;
Native Advice;
Trump Thoughts

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Sep 20, 2015

Valley Fire;
Mental Health Contracts;
Chains & Cockroaches;
Pesticide Regulation;
Supervising Supervisors;
FB Football;
Yesterday's Catch;
SF Street Sculpture;
Congressional Labels;
Fish Bill;
American Islamaphobia;
Marco Radio
