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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Museum Road Show

[March] Tickets now on sale for the 3rd annual Museum Road Show! Take a lighthearted romp through vice, debauchery and politics in the early days of our county. Premiering in 5 locations throughout March. Now…

Broadband Bill Needs Support

As everyone knows, legislation passed in Sacramento affects broadband in our rural counties. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has a program called the "California Advanced Services Fund” (or CASF) grant program to help fund infrastructure build out in high cost areas such as rural counties.

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Feb 19, 2016

Strong Thunderstorms;
False Spring;
Tribal EPA;
Education Office;
Warrant Wednesday;
Look Back;
Shelter Pics;
Homeless Stats;
FB Projects;
Constitutional Crisis;
Clinton Platform;
Scalia Legacy;
Dem Dogmas;
Green Jill;
PA Agenda;
County Investments;
Drinky Drinky;
Trumpty Dumpty;
Dem Debate;
Feb14 Catch;
Feb15 Catch;
Feb16 Catch

Writers Conference

Registration begins Tuesday, March 15 for the 27th Annual Mendocino Coast Writers Conference held August 4-7 at the Mendocino College - Mendocino Coast Campus in Fort Bragg. The Mendocino Coast Writers Conference (MCWC) features award-winning…

Bee Walk & Talk

Native Bee Educational Talk & Interpretive Walk Anderson Valley Land Trust (AVLT) is hosting a two part series about native bees featuring Sara Leon Guererro, from the Urban Bee Lab at UC Berkeley. The first…

Piano Concert

Fort Bragg Center for the Arts will present internationally acclaimed pianist  Tanya Gabrielian on Sunday, March 6, in Preston Hall, Mendocino at 3 PM. She will perform works by Bach, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, and Sarasate.…

Logging Conference

[Mar 17-19] The Redwood Region Logging Conference’s board of directors is completing the preparations for the 78th annual Conference to be held at the Redwood Empire Fairgrounds in Ukiah, March 17 through 19. The three-day event focuses…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Feb 18, 2016

Superintendent DUI;
More Ortner;
Canine Camera;
Shelter Update;
Library Budget;
Cha-cha Booby;
Walmart Associate;
Local Patrol;
Bern Youth;
Fatalistic Pragmatism;
Exposing Lobbyists;
Elite Control;
Transcendental Brain;
Voter Suppression;
MCBG Needs;
Trump Analysis;
Museum Roadshow;
Resource Management;
Before Existing;
Library Events;
Writers Conference;
Piano Concert;
Jefferson State;
Feb13 Bookings;
Feb12 Bookings;
Feb11 Bookings

Valley People (Feb 17, 2016)

SERVICES FOR DENIS LEE BOARDMAN, who was murdered in his home in Fort Bragg on Jan. 2, 2016, will be held next week. A VA memorial-internment of ashes will be held Friday, Feb. 19, at…
