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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Apr 24, 2016

AV Shooting;
Frost Forecast;
PA Cronies;
Prop W;
Crabs Better;
Drought On;
Beast Awaits;
Smoking Logic;
Mendo #2;
Yesterday's Catch;
911 Bill;
Junkfood Heaven;
Third Rails;
Camp Cruz;
Stone Berns;
Landlines Threatened;
Salmonberry Wine;
Eel Report;
Purple Rain;
The Donald;
Democratizing KZYX;
American Empire;
June 1975;
Marco Radio

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Apr 23, 2016

Almost Closed;
Homicide Investigation;
Homeless Chat;
Dog Adoptions;
Warrant Wednesday;
Embezzler Guilty;
Yes on W;
KZYX Challenge;
Bypass Date;
Yesterday's Catch;
Second Disaster;
New Book;
Better Unfavorables;
April 1975;
Sanders Movement;
Hot Drought;
Insider Trading;
Plant Sale;
Water Rates

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Apr 22, 2016

V Benefit;
Ukiah Bathrooms;
Courthouse Costs;
Definitely Drunk;
Shelter Websites;
Midnight Puncher;
Fed Felony;
Embezzlement Case;
Native Artist;
Yesterday's Catch;
Chinese Investors;
Public Stoning;
Hillary Cult;
Weather Modification;
Moral Challenge;
LSD 1943;
Jewish Donors;
Continuing Education;
Nye Ranch;
Global Capitalism

Caspar UkeFest

[Apr 30] The Fifth Annual Caspar UkeFest, celebrating the ukulele as a friendly and playful instrument, will wrap up a full day of workshops and jam sessions with an evening concert on Saturday, April 30…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Apr 21, 2016

Wet Forecast;
Boardman's Killer;
Desperate Roommates;
Steely Critical;
Mendo Faults;
Forest Practices;
Friendliest Librarian;
Mark Terry;
25 Plants;
Shelter Reply;
KZYX Stealth;
Pioneer Stoners;
Weed Day;
Charter Chat;
Charter Process;
Allman Recognized;
August 1973;
Inside Jobbers;
Yesterday's Catch;
Tubman $20;
Lessons Learned;
Sanders Campaign;
Schilling Fired

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Apr 20, 2016

NY Primary;
Children's Future;
Mateo No-hitter;
Measure U;
Ukiah Branding;
Ocean Tragedy;
Growing Pains;
Timmy Trouble;
Shelter Website;
Arizona Uniforms;
Shelter Sniping;
Yesterday's Catch;
Lover Boy;
Independent Voters;
Obamacare Racket;
Biden Miracle;
Rigged System;
Refugee Forum;
COASST Training;
PA Dispensary

Nye Ranch Farm Stand

Mendocino Coast community, come visit the Farm Stand at the Nye Ranch, 2 miles north of Fort Bragg on Highway 1. My partner and I have been busy since October shaping a new small farm on…

Off the Record (Apr 20, 2016)

WHAT'S with that hysterical report on KMUD about a "cleansing" of Fort Bragg's homeless? FB's Measure U would do no such thing. It simply restricts homeless services to neighborhoods more suitable than the center of…

Valley People (Apr 20, 2016)

CALEB DAIN SILVER, 25, has been arrested in Southern California and extradited to Mendocino County where he is the primary suspect in the murder of Dennis Boardman of Fort Bragg. Silver, who grew up in…
