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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016

Giants Lose;
Woodhouse Statement;
New Play;
Cyclist Dies;
Faller Death;
Hortense Eviction;
Hendy Reparations;
Agenda Adjustment;
Recommended Reading;
Suicide-net Costs;
Yesterday's Catch;
Orange Cosby;
POTUS Discipline;
Angry Republicans;
Brewmaster Dinner;
Transportation Plan;
Love DC;
Tax Cheat;
Little Dog;
Wall-Street Bootlicking;
Trump Traits;
Big Dig;
Marco Radio

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Oct. 7, 2016

Two States;
Anticipating Legalization;
Chomo Clowns;
Marijuana Measures;
College Plants;
PD Sale;
Rexed Out;
LakeCo Chumming;
Trash Ninjas;
Pastor Hortense;
Emergency Shelters;
Huff Klatch;
Get Off;
Ballots Coming;
Yesterday's Catch;
Will Triumph;
Cotton Candy;
Salad University;
Pence Creep;
Canclini's Spaghetti;
Trump Phenomenon;
Tunnels Unpopular;
Dog w/Book;
Island Living;
Broadband Updates;
PA Agenda

Cinderella Gloriana

[Oct/Nov] Gloriana's Cinderella Opens October 28! Gloriana Musical Theatre is pleased to present its production of “Cinderella,” the classic musical with music by Richard Rodgers and lyrics and book by Oscar Hammerstein II. Directed by…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016

Mayor's Adventure;
Destructive Ag;
Oaky Raid;
Playa Pops;
Blackbird Farm;
Gressett Withdraws;
Ukiah Coop;
Animal Control;
Foodshed Shindig;
Community Action;
K-9 Arrest;
DUI Reflections;
Yesterday's Catch;
Leaky NSA;
Seed Saving;
Dog & Croc;
Mendocino Theatre;
Pence-Kaine Sleepwalk

Measure AG Forum

[Oct 25] Sheriff Allman will be speaking in support of Measure AG, the Mental Health Initiative, at the Caspar Community Center on Tuesday, October 25, from 6 - 7:30pm. This forum is sponsored by the League of Women Voters.

Letters (Oct. 5, 2016)

Measure AF, the "Agricultural Fraud Act", on the November 2016 ballot is a blatant, well-financed attempt by the pot industry to subvert the County planning and zoning process by permitting commercial pot production on virtually the entire Mendocino County land base.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016

Veep Debate;
Where's Woody;
Vanilla Thrilla;
Sweeney Question;
PA Candidates;
Soul Art;
Abnormally Dry;
Yesterday's Catch;
Cannabis Opportunity;
MVFD Event;
Bones Found;
Starfleet Privatized;
Waging Peace;
Unsolved Murders;
Ukiah Art;
Spiritual Defenders

Off the Record (Oct. 5, 2016)

WHERE’S WOODHOUSE? The Third District Supervisor missed a Board of Supervisors meeting on September 13th. There were vague references to a personal or family situation that caused his absence. Woodhouse then missed the joint meeting…

Valley People (Oct. 5, 2016)

ABOUT 2PM SUNDAY a half-dozen people chanting demands to save the forests walked briskly through Boonville. Four men carrying a redwood sapling were the focus of the group's display, and a couple of people appeared to be dressed in green, lending the procession a vaguely druidic cast. Spotting my young friend Miguel across the street near Boont Berry Farm just as the funereal mini-procession passed from view, I asked him what had just happened. "Heepies," he explained without elaborating.
