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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Dec. 10, 2017

Flashbacks Review;
Chief Answers;
Navarro High;
Laser Focused;
Holiday Bazaar;
Little Dog;
Pot Industry;
Candidate Haschak;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Money Matters;
Dissing Korea;
Trumping Along;
Monument Decision;
Walter's Well;
Garbage Dump;
Unknown Soldiers;
Library Events;
Marco Radio;
Travel Tip

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Dec. 9, 2017

SoCal Smoke;
Candidate Williams;
Burkey & Smith;
Apparent Suicide;
Bomb Found;
Price Falling;
Class K;
Little Dog;
Ukiah Nutcracker;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Light Festival;
Emerald Cup;
Out-of-State Vendors;
Club Members;
Emergency Alert;
Perv Train;
Pet Photos;
George Grosz;
Foodshed News;
Nation Shocked;
Disaster Assistance;
Healthcare Fun;
Marco Radio

Inland Democrats

[Jan 11] The Inland Mendocino Democratic Club will hold our next meeting Thursday, January 11 at 5:30pm in the meeting room at the Yokayo Bowl & Lounge, 1401 North State St., Ukiah. Let’s all join…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Dec. 8, 2017

Candidate Williams;
Nudging GP;
Ventura Burning;
Courthouse Hardships;
Judicial Pageantry;
Gibbons Appearance;
Supes Comments;
Homeless Everywhere;
Little Dog;
River Plan;
Eggink Found;
County Sued;
Abalone Collapse;
Yesterday's Catch;
Robert McNamara;
Empty Houses;
Bennett Show;
College Degrees;
Bipartisan Impeachment;
Keillor Allegations;
SNAP Myths;
Far Right;
Ben Shoutouts;
Prison Healthcare;
Farming Origins;
Tax Attack;
MCBG News;
Jerry Aragon;
Student Fare

Pianist Concert

[Jan 5-7] The 26th Annual Professional Pianist Concert will commence at Mendocino College’s Center Theatre in Ukiah with three concerts featuring 10 different pianists. Performers this year are Spencer Brewer, Elena Casanova, Wendy deWitt, Frankie J,…

Artist Presentation

On January 6, from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Grace Hudson Museum Public Room, glass artists Erika Kohr Island and Yorgen Kvinsland will give illustrated talks and discuss their work and processes on display…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017

100,000 Evacuated;
Michel Salgues;
Quiz Schedule;
Supervisor Haschack?;
Catholic Ride;
Slob Dining;
Yesterday's Catch;
Vineyard Reins;
Little Dog;
Molotov Donald;
Homeless Camp;
Nutcracker Sweet;
Impeachment Nonsense;
Abalone Fate;
Gobbi Overpass;
Steinle Verdict;
Seed Storage

Letters (Dec. 6, 2017)

In his Letters to the Editor of 29 November, Mr. Philbrick asks many, 9, questions. I would like to try and answer one of them: "What has happened to this country?" It is hard to know where to start.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017

LakeMendo Estates;
SoCal Burning;
BOS Notes;
Little Dog;
Car Crash;
Police Reports;
Bridge Stewards;
Judge Dolan;
MCDH Negativity;
Other Eye;
Private Leagues;
Yesterday's Catch;
No Revolution;
Kingdom Crumbling;
Piano Concerts;
Marcel Proust;
WaterFix Challenged;
Martial Law;
Barsamian Tour;
Florida Times;
HSU Football;
Transportation Funding;
Fair Boosters
