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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Garden Contest

[May 27] Fort Bragg Garden Club is currently accepting nominations for its annual Sidewalk Gardens To Bragg About contest. Nominate any attractive garden, found within the Fort Bragg city limits, that can be viewed from…

MCT: Saturday, April 27, 2019

Fire Cause;
Census Jobs;
Colvig Resolution;
RussiaGate Results;
Chimney Sweeps;
Shy People;
Cat's Back;
Press Briefings;
Ed Notes;
Snake Oil;
Budget Woes;
Impossible Boast;
Farm Report;
Yesterday's Catch;
Whitesboro Breakfast;
Unregulated Capitalism;
Plant Sale;
Measles Survivor;
Support Group;
Vaccinators Attacked;
Criminal Mixup;
Healthcare Issues;
American Groundswell;
Maga Maga;
Plant Sale;
Garden Workshop;
Criminal Mixup;
Spineless Joe;
Oak Preserve;
Marco Radio;
Stable Genius;
City Selection

Flea Market

[May 24-27] Anderson Valley Senior Center Memorial Day Weekend Flea Market

Gallery Tour

[May 26] On Sunday from 2 to 3 p.m., the Grace Hudson Museum will host a gallery tour with artists Roger Franklin and Aryan Chappell. Franklin and Chappell will give a personal introduction to their…

MCT: Friday, April 26, 2019

Warm Temps;
Where's Duane;
Plowshares Fundraiser;
Meatloaf Music;
Bern 2020;
Gasman Grunwald;
Candidate Comparison;
Farmers' Market;
Farmer Tim;
Ed Notes;
Boxcar Bodywork;
Student Discipline;
Film Screening;
Tax Base;
Greatest Liberal;
Free Huey;
Opioid Antidote;
Unwanted Valet;
Many Questions;
Yesterday's Catch;
Hopeless Joe;
Autosaurus Destructus;
Gender Surcharge;
Women's Choir;
America's Demise;
Immigration Numbers;
Tiny Houses;
Common Good;
Scaramella Lookalike;
Clockwork Sequel;
HUD Proposal;
Triple Redundancy;
Community Foundation;
Work Day;
Museum Events

Senior Center Benefit

[May 25] Hit and Run Theater will return to the stage Saturday, May 25, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Redwood Coast Senior Center at The Fort Bragg Middle School, 490 N. Harold St., Fort Bragg,…

Pole Building Demo

[May 25] The Forest Reciprocity Group (FRG) in collaboration with Polecraft Solutions will present a Pole Frame Cabin Raising Demonstration on Saturday, May 25 from 10 am to 10 pm. 44450 US Hwy 101, Laytonville…

History Book Sale

[May 25] In what’s becoming an annual tradition the Kelley House Museum in Mendocino is hosting a book sale of history books Saturday May 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the west porch.…

MCT: Thursday, April 25, 2019

MCDH Meeting;
Lizzby's Bar;
Rock Attack;
Wood Session;
Quiz Night;
Jim Dunbar;
Ambulance Membership;
Bell Arrows;
Full Moon;
Vet Visit;
Plains Indian;
Costly Duplication;
Hyde Street;
Homeless Compassion;
Jailer Appreciation;
Yesterday's Catch;
Phony Joe;
Comfortably Numb;
Frivolous Politics;
Bigger Feminist;
May Day;
2020 Focus;
Dem Gift;
Lizzy Loophole;
Doomer Comments;
Redemption Unlabeled;
Gardens Jobs;
Permit Increases;
Help Manuel
