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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Ukiah Open Studios

[Sep 14] The 11th Annual Ukiah Valley Artist Open Studio Tour is happening Saturday, September 14. This once a year free extravaganza of sixteen artists showcases behind-the-scenes looks at some of the diverse and uniquely…

MCT: Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Kirk Gustafson;
Moose Fire;
Missing Man;
Red Finch;
Disposal Field;
Ed Notes;
Fiesta Familiar;
Covelo Gym;
Phantom Makeup;
Vern Piver;
Epstein Watch;
Hebrew Hammer;
Steam Festival;
Yesterday's Catch;
Iranian Nuke;
Official BS;
Pharmacological Method;
Marilyn's Stuff;
Fair Fare;
Fastest Warming;
Gift Warp;
Testosterone Autism;
Hail Satan;
Housing Assistance;
Workers Unite

Salmon Awareness Festival

[Sep 13-14] The Eel River Recovery Project (ERRP), Round Valley Indian Tribes (RVIT) and Firescapes Mendocino are co-sponsoring the most ambitious Salmon Awareness Festival ever in Covelo on Friday and Saturday, September 13 and 14.…

MCT: Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Moose Fire;
Hendy Fire;
Downtown Ruckus;
Trustee Problem;
Westport Fundraiser;
Grove Reflection;
Ed Notes;
Yorkville Social;
PA Meeting;
Flea Market;
Cannabis Software;
Hospitality Question;
Yesterday's Catch;
Uncivil Society;
Angry Nation;
Math Teacher;
Honorable Suicide;
Cage Fight;
Epstein Debacle;
Dangerous Plan;
Green Thing;
Physical Activity;
Communication Breakdown;
Class Matters;
Found Object

MCT: Monday, August 12, 2019

Lightning Strikes;
Pace Move;
Yorkville Canteen;
Outage Costs;
Memories Book;
Doggie Lament;
Dance Halls;
Ganja Events;
Small Gov;
Messy Motel;
High Roller;
Poison Opt-Out;
White Whale;
Ed Notes;
Official Story;
Yesterday's Catch;
Parties Suck;
Getting Along;
Killing Capitalism;
Avery Denied;
Last Visitor;
This Babylon;
Gun Talk;
Persecuting Assange

MCT: Sunday, August 11, 2019

Lightning Fires;
Rock Picker;
Warmer Weather;
Apfel Talk;
Flea Market;
Falling Bear;
CAAC Diversity;
Ed Notes;
Native Kids;
Getting Paid;
Psychopathic Traders;
4,000 Miles;
Jail Harvey;
Many Colored;
Mission Quest;
Yesterday's Catch;
SMART Questions;
Turn Signal;
McKibben Arrested;
Big Pharma;
Dem/Labor BBQ;
Marco Radio;
Found Object

MCT: Saturday, August 10, 2019

Epstein End;
Eddie McKenzie;
Golf Fire;
Rattlesnake Bite;
Senior Talk;
Protest Cancelled;
Adult School;
Ban Rhys;
FSC Rating;
Firewood Needed;
Dangerous Driving;
Weed Busts;
Yesterday's Catch;
Rude Awakening;
Mendo Startups;
News Frazzle;
Mental Plan;
Dem Demise;
Gary Webb;
Uncivil Warring;
Domestic Terrorists;
Dutch Savage;
Pres Twit;
Ukiah Symphony;
Travel Advisory;
Changing Landscape;
Slow Start;
Republican Party;
Nation Sunk;
Library Receipt;
Marco Radio

MCT: Friday, August 9, 2019

Golf Fire;
Chance Thunderstorms;
PG&E Hazard;
We're Exempt;
Westport Fundraiser;
Ed Notes;
Foodshed News;
Kosher Silverman;
Big-Mouth Hanover;
Online AVA;
Yesterday's Catch;
Dissing Progressives;
Shooting Women;
Om Rising;
Common Thread;
No Idea;
Adult School;
Without Bees;
Spaghetti Dinner;
Voter Suppression;
Meetings Cancelled;
4000 Miles;
Housing Meeting;
Krassner Tribute;
Art Opening;
Canal Drought;
Climate Change;
Brief History;
Found Object

MCT: Thursday, August 8, 2019

Cooling Trend;
Juveniles Amuck;
Cabrillo Lighthouse;
Philo Produce;
Councilman Johnson;
Catlady Backlash;
Housing Meetings;
Yesterday's Catch;
Mural Censors;
Criminalizing Poverty;
Techno Dystopia;
Warren Plan;
Easement Blues;
Seatbelt Bruises;
Boredom Threshold;
Eel Tripping;
Loud Music;
Dual Tragedy;
Uninhabitable Earth;
Dangerous Pet;
Trumper Toys;
Walking Therapy
