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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

MCT: Friday, May 8, 2020

Covelo Grows;
Judy Moon;
Drought Looming;
Palace Hotel;
Departmental Reports;
Home Garden;
Responsible Recreation;
Test Machine;
Farmers' Market;
Plant Sale;
Tourism Needed;
Riverbank Crowd;
Skittish Buyers;
Ed Notes;
Asparagus Conundrum;
Bogota Building;
Motorcycle Thugs;
Yesterday's Catch;
Alcatraz Baseball;
Dem Done;
Bundy Poll;
Boost Immunity;
Bacteria Reject;
Counterproductive Economy;
NFL Reelection;
Breaker Boys;
Prison Letter;
Mendo Protest;
Bridgette's Story;
Quicksand Tip;
Davis Book;
Strapped In;
Responsible Behavior;
Bernie Delegates;
Turkey Moon

MCT: Thursday, May 7, 2020

Full Moon;
Lucy Set;
Lockdown Penalties;
Chain Gang;
Abreu Agreement;
New MCDH Administrator;
Gulag Labor;
Ed Notes;
Railroad Workers;
Iser Baggage;
Ukiah Drive-in;
Big Bust;
Yesterday's Catch;
Frozen Mississippi;
Prison Gang;
Pediatric Syndrome;
Brazilian Inmates;
Sniffy Joe;
America the Pitiful;
MJ Hagiography;
Planetary Emergency;
Congo Man;
Heroes & Patriots;
Payroll Tax

Letters (May 6, 2020)

Dr. Noemi Mimi Doohan, Mendocino’s missing in action public health officer, released the fourth health officer order Friday April 24. The new order makes a couple of pointless princess and pea modifications

Off the Record (May 6, 2020)

RECOMMENDED VIEWING: Michael Moore’s “Planet of the Humans,” available free now on YouTube. Nothing new, really, for the eco-attuned and unfair to Bill McKibben, but interesting. Moore himself moves around in a limo and lives…

Valley People (May 6, 2020)

YES, ANDERSON VALLEY, you were hurled from your slumber at 2am Monday morning by the apocalyptic din loosed by frost fans, but please recall the consoling words of your friend and neighbor Ted Bennett of…

MCT: Wednesday, May 6, 2020

MCDH Adventist;
Miller Reports;
Mussels & Palms;
CV Starr Rumor;
Young Prosecutor;
Cleone Millsite;
Inmate Murder;
Ed Notes;
Elvis Sites;
Doohan's Replacement;
Speak Softly;
Interesting Budget;
Yesterday's Catch;
Can't Think;
Supply Team;
Supermarket Shelves;
Great Illusion;
Virus Privacy;
Scorpion Nature;
Zodiac Costume;
Blocking Trolls;
School Year;
Attorney's Fees;
Cotton Mill;
Business Survey;
Marin Courthouse;
Court Operations;
Local Business;
Dustbowl People;
Winesong 2020;
Found Object

Testing Hurdles

Lack of Availability of COVID Testing Remains a Challenge Many, perhaps most, hospitals in the US continue to face problems with not having enough supplies to fully respond to the COVID crisis.  The lack of…

Abusing Employees

Over the last couple of weeks, many of us have noticed an increased level of tension and anger in our community. This is not unique to Fort Bragg and is reflected in nightly news stories…

Draft SIP Revision

As the State learns about Governor Gavin Newsom’s four-stage framework to reopen California, Mendocino County Health Officer
