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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

MCT: Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Storm Remnants;
Smothered Lightning;
645 Cases;
Covid Outreach;
Fire Overview;
Dear Marc;
Early Mendo;
Distance Learning;
Coast Highway;
Muppet Movie;
Ed Notes;
Caspar Store;
Night One;
River Logging;
Critter Extraction;
Union Theatre;
Big Fan;
Yesterday's Catch;
Firefighter Reserves;
Big Logs;
Enough LOLs;
Botts Dots;
Fort Bragg;
War Face;
Objectively Detached;
Biblical Travails;
Out Door;
DNC Message;
Ronnie's World;
Dam Removal;
Mr Zip;
General Strike;
Smoke Cloud;
Climate Fires

MCT: Monday, August 24, 2020

Miguel Ridolfi;
Red Flag;
Walbridge Fire;
629 Cases;
Lost Wages;
Bridge Construction;
Outdoor Church;
River Crossing;
Peter Wells;
1913 Highway;
Yearsley's Column;
Dolph Camilli;
Tropical Storm;
Log Drive;
Pandemic Life;
Coast Dock;
Ed Notes;
Lumber Operations;
Jackson Arrest;
Yesterday's Catch;
Musselwhite Memories;
Boom Brigade;
California Despair;
Owl Cigar;
Crazy Making;
Vintage FB;
Apple Picking;
Found Object

MCT: Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hot Thunderstorms;
Fires Grow;
Stormy Weather;
624 Cases;
Lightning Change;
Meyers Fire;
Third Regiment;
Sleeper Fires;
1959 Fire;
Sheriff Interview;
Bee Shadow;
Log Rafts;
Ed Notes;
Lightning Rods;
Opiate Epidemic;
County Jail;
Highway Fatality;
Yesterday's Catch;
Mugshot Trends;
Norcal Tour;
Hungry Bears;
Come On;
Cannabis Ordinance;
Devil's Den;
The Future;
Downtown FB;
Mormons Fishing;
Better Journalists;
Modern Architecture;
Biden Platform;
West Standley;
Marco Radio;
Found Object

Bay Area Forecast: Lightning Sunday-Tuesday

The National Weather Service - Bay Area (Saturday afternoon) warns that dry lightning and erratic winds caused by thunderstorms expected Sunday morning could spark new wildfires. A moist and unstable midlevel airmass is forecast to…

MCT: Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hot Thunderstorms;
Satellite View;
Complexes Growing;
Walbridge Uncontained;
Fire Clouds;
National Guard;
Dry Lightning;
Robert Cooper;
605 Cases;
Doubling Days;
Co-op Coping;
Alvin Johnson;
Psych Motel;
Remote Schooling;
Ed Notes;
Bad News;
Hay Wagon;
PSPS Generators;
Sun House;
Fort Flippant;
Hortense House;
Streetscape Update;
Yesterday's Catch;
Convention Muzak;
Pierce Arrow;
Jerry Scrivener;
Hop People;
Your Trash;
Gobbi Ranch;
Bamboo Paradise;
Planning Cancelled;
1947 Fire;
Indecent Joe;
1957 Dancers;
Project Sanctuary;
My Opposer;
Dem OD;
Outta Options;
Crazy People;
Found Object

MCT: Friday, August 21, 2020

Warmer Weekend;
August Complex;
Walbridge Fire;
LNU Complex;
CSD Challenger;
SCU Complex;
Distant Smoke;
Janese Convalescing;
Covid Related;
584 Cases;
Williams Responds;
Double Trouble;
Farm Stand;
Bridge Contract;
Homeless Plan;
Ukiah Homestead;
Another Arsonist;
Highway Stage;
Arsonist Convicted;
McGlashan Building;
Ed Notes;
Railroad Staff;
Greater FB;
Yesterday's Catch;
Power Supply;
Egg Hunters;
New Roof;
Retards Rule;
Basketball 1949;
Ropeless Crabbing;
Thrive Not;
Voting Nonsense;
Found Object

MCT: Thursday, August 20, 2020

Cooler Today;
Many Fires;
Evacuating Healdsburg;
Smoky State;
Windsor Ready;
579 Cases;
More Arson;
Creek Fire;
Tupper Torch;
Drive-thru Tree;
FB Update;
Philo Substation;
Smoke Cloud;
Hay Sale;
Massive Redwood;
Happy Manure;
Ed Notes;
Tree Train;
AV Village;
Muppet Movie;
Yesterday's Catch;
Roll Cloud;
Sports Habit;
Amusing Americans;
Sleazy Joe;
Seabiscuit Statue;
Social Indicators;
Tree Choppers;
Another Hiroshima;
Repeal AB5;
Vichy Springs;
Stream Flows;
Good/Bad Gnus;
Getting Loomered;
Spurning AOC;
Found Object

Letters (August 19, 2020)

Unsolicited media report -- Morning TV. Channels 2, 4, 5, 7. In order to get 10 minutes of news you are required to watch and listen to 50 minutes of bullshit

Off the Record (August 19, 2020)

WITH LITTLE FANFARE because fan’s fares are preoccupied with weightier affairs, Mendo finds itself these days with several new news outlets staffed by young reporters. There’s the newly hired Alicia Bales at KZYX who’s been…
