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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

MCT: Thursday, September 10, 2020

Abundant Smoke;
Martian Landscape;
Oak Fire;
Another Death;
Forest Fires;
Lynda Aubrey;
Apocalyptic Skies;
Two Rocks;
Zoom Rochat;
Place Hotel;
August Complex;
Relocated Pomos;
Ed Notes;
Ring Toss;
$500 Reward;
No Country;
Power Restoration;
Yesterday's Catch;
Fishing Family;
Still Evil;
Left Note;
Say Hi;
Anti-vax Book;
Point Cabrillo;
Oregon Fire;
Peter Sellers;
Assange Defense;
Defoe Pilloried;
Found Object

Evacuation Updates

Evacuation updates for Covelo Area of Mendocino County due to August Complex Fire and Hopkins Fire The following areas are under Mandatory Evacuation Orders: The area of Island Mountain, south of the County Line, north…

Letters (September 9, 2020)

Voting by mail should replace voting at the polls in its entirety. The two institutions that can definitely be trusted is the County Board of Elections and the United States Postal Service

Valley People (September 9, 2020)

WHEN FIRE broke out northeast of Willits Monday about 12:30pm — north of Brooktrails, west of 101 — Sheriff Kendall quickly ordered mandatory evacuations. Perhaps even more ominously is the news that the two CalFire…

Off the Record (September 9, 2020)

ONCE UPON a time in America there really were socialists organized as a Socialist Party with millions of registered voters. Their standard bearer was the great Eugene Debs, a railroad worker from Terre Haute, a…

MCT: Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Winds Diminish;
Satellite Views;
Oak Fire;
Animal Care;
Ruddy Ukiah;
Evacuee Quarantine;
777 Cases;
Purple SIP;
Remembering Miguel;
Landmark Damaged;
Air Quality;
August Complex;
PA Fatality;
Philo Incident;
Yorkville Fundraiser;
Ed Notes;
Courthouse Thoughts;
$100 Bills;
Yesterday's Catch;
1619 Project;
MRC Deadzones;
Covid Deaths;
His Base;
Paint Out;
Forest Closures;
Vote Mari;
Edu Choices;
Ceres Courier;
Birthday 82;
Found Object

Purple SIP

Updated Stage 3 Health Officer Order Shelter-In-Place Purple Tier Order Effective September 8, 2020 The most recent Health Officer Shelter in Place (SIP) Order effective upon release on September 8, 2020, continues the requirements for the new…

Animal Care

Community resources have been established for domestic animals from the evacuation areas related to the Oak Fire  which started on 09-07-2020 in Brooktrails, California. Mendocino County Animal Care has established a site on the south…

Point Arena Fatality

On September 7, at approximately 9:55pm, Daniel Egger (driver), Dominic Sahl, Holly Egger, and Taylor Reynolds were traveling
