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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Changeable Weather | 3 New Cases | Vaccine Passports | River Trickle | Turnout Fire | Mooncycle | Nude Mether | Apple Blossoms | Since Joe | Mulheren Report | Hiram Willits | Cannabis Program | Old PA | Animal Control | Animal Behavior | Supes Surprises | OCD Nightmare | Ed Notes | Forest Light | Cutting Jackson | Yesterday's Catch | Weed Life | Class 1928 | Hippie History | Unthinkable | Indecline | Uncommon Culture | Taco Tuesday | Bourdain Guide | BLM True | Social Security | Mega Corrupters | Grandma | Bigfoot | Boxer | Story Suggestions | Economically Insecure

Off the Record (April 21, 2021)

JACKSON DEMONSTRATION STATE FOREST was purchased by the state in 1947 to “demonstrate” sound logging practices. CalFire has assumed responsibility for forest management, offices on North Main, Fort Bragg. The state says Jackson has always…

Valley People (April 21, 2021)

FIRE! Monday morning. Approximately 100 acres and 15% contained on the Ukiah side of the Boonville Road. The fire  was first reported Sunday (4/18) at 5:51 pm and, as of 11:30am Monday, had grown to…

Letters (April 21, 2021)

The situation is extremely urgent. The scale of blatant, large, illegal, cultivation sites is unbelievable in Redwood Valley...

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Pattern Change | 3 New Cases | Frost Fans | Turnout Fire | Plant Sale | Emerald City | Hotel Willits | Supes Notes | Train Toss | Ed Notes | Dog Hell | Precautionary Principle | Yesterday's Catch | Overheard | Surviving Hemingway | Pamplona | Greedy Humans | Eureka Productions | Neurotic Liberals | Stupid Answer | Weekly Comments | Death Hotel | Afghan Vet | Home Riot | Oath Keepers | Titanic 2020 | Slow Memory | Fixing Stupid | King George | Post-Capitalism Conference | Killing Whites | Mendo Watertowers | Found Object

Mendocino County Today: Monday, April 19, 2021

Passing Disturbance | Turnout Fire | Redwood Wonder | Rooms Available | Chad Kirkendall | BLM FB | Burn Control | 1929 Thespians | Abreu Denied | Poppy Extravaganza | JDSF Rally | Immigrant Photo | Cannabis Sellout | First Fatality | Phase 3 | DA Hip | Floral View | Art Sale | Pebble People | Ed Notes | Police Reports | Yesterday's Catch | Nada Yada | Sinking Ship | Hollow Clowns | Elephant Encounter | Dipsea Finish | American Character | Foppoli Follies | George McLaurin | Tough Question | Propagandistic Documentary | Boxing Profession | Black Culture | Big Wave | Nurtured Forest | Rabid Bobcat | Risky Business

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, April 18, 2021

Dry Weather | Book Resurrection | Pet Daisy | Poetry Celebration | Clear Lake | Agenda Notes | CA Poppies | Library Rules | Plant Sale | Ed Notes | Steam Schooner | Settlement Money | Gun Helplessness | Blight Removal | Four Floridians | Neilsen Apprehended | Thomas Dollard | Bostrodamus | Yesterday's Catch | Gerald Haslam | Fire Fox | 2014 Drought | Immigrant Ship | Drought Aid | Stork | Vegetarians | Frontier Communications | Jack Squat | Speaker Disdain | Too Controlling | Obit Watch | Learn Something | Burial Help | Dallas Stoudenmire | Border Pic | Rachel O'Reilly | Bounty Bunk | Marco Radio | Cruz Itch

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, April 17, 2021

Dry Days | 6 New Cases | Fire Weather | Brown Cloud | Drought Signs | Breakthrough Cases | Iris | Vaccines Available | Plant Sale | FirstNet | Virgin Twin | Saving Steelhead | Music Program | About JDSF | Lilies | Sit Show | Fence Fail | Good Laugh | Good Cops | Blame Sacramento | Homeless Camps | Covid Mortality | Ed Notes | Forepaugh Circus | Primrose Pugilists | Blues Beach | Floribunda | Water Warning | 1930 Mendocino | Streetscape Update | Yesterday's Catch | Steep Street | Bad Cop | Good Trouble | Songcrafting | Thriving Wage | Stop It | Pusillanimous Prick | Scientific Method | Richelle Returns | Mass Shootings | Firescaping | More Bull | Demonic Phase
