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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 14, 2021

Light Showers | Forest Gate | 10% Referendum | Hwy20 Fatality | Grange Movie | Coastal Fog | Jury Duty | Ship Aground | Vista Point | Drivers Needed | Chicken Soup | Manager Wanted | Coast Biplane | AV Poetry | Rich Aunt | New Hip | Train Men | Missing Arlo | Costco Floss | Recommended Orthopedists | Early Ambulance | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Om Moo | Castles Burning | Must Watch | Garberville Ballad | Phone Etiquette | Backwards Judge | Great Job | Mall Trip | Quiet/Frenzy | Groovy Life | Drowning Risk | Internet Banking | Exhausted | American Poverty | Someday Soon | Pipeline Protests | Workplace Crew | Million Men

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, June 13, 2021

Another Front | Gray Fox | Boonville Proposal | Noyo Harbor | Pet Zip | Mendocino HS | Mask Guidance | Richardson Grove | Lengthy Tailspin | Young Che | Clubfoot Grizzly | History | Ed Notes | Player Piano | Byebye Bibi | Yesterday's Catch | Bolinas Past | Marco Radio | Push Mower | Press Freedom | Numbered Spot | Huckleberry Biden

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, June 12, 2021

Warming | 6 New Cases | Yorkville BBQ | Redwood Drive | Drivers Needed | Help Wanted | Finite Resource | Drought Chat | Palace Intrigue | Urban Canine | Budget Notes | Bolinas Closed | PV Bust | Hanover Arrest | Cows Ruled | Streetscape Update | JDSF Logging | AR Hole | Not Guilty | Dino Juice | Why Expand | Yesterday's Catch | Green Rush | Dotted Note | Greedy Weeders | Obedience School | HOV Scofflaws | Christo Fencers | Town Hall | Gunslinger | Listening Session | Bezos Reentry | Non Profiteers | Ice Shelf | People's Party | Brahms Lullaby | County Operation | Big Wave | Valiant Woman | Liza/Bozo | Presidential Email

Mendocino County Today: Friday, June 11, 2021

Light Rain | 5 New Cases | JDSF Alert | Lost Coast | Grocery Outlet | Beach Ticks | Driftwood Sculpture | Bostrodamus | Drip Irrigation | Government Meeting | Western Drought | Lena Fisher | Ed Notes | BinB | Public Health | Flight Simulator | JDSF Fate | Deer | Little River Museum | Then/Now | Yesterday's Catch | Collision Avoidance | Mountain Reward | Corrupt System | Polio Vaccine | Zombie Crossing | Disappointing Celebs | Problem Customer | Circadian Novels | InRe | Naked Shorts | WTF Boxing | The Loner | Mystery Object | Massive Fishkill | Chloroform | Cannabis Ordinance | Nuclear Abolition

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, June 10, 2021

Chance Tomorrow | 5 New Cases | Mabel Gerke | Emergency Regulation | Nets | Water Limits | Drought Meeting | Hang Him | Malicious Prosecution | CalNeva/Lovelock | Bankable Cannabis | Mrs Pi | Hugh Duggins | JDSF Gate | Over Budget | Rumperstickers | Vaughn Homers | Tiger Trap | Painter Screams | Facebook Friends | Huff Ruffed | Yesterday's Catch | We Waited | Sir Gallaher | Social Hygiene | Labor Shortage | Young Kafka | Social Murder | CA Reparations | Time Travel | Olympic Peril | On Braces

Letters (June 9, 2021)

I am aware that some Anderson Valley residents do not like the fact we cut down trees near the highway above Elke’s vineyard at the Dennison Ranch...

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Cold Air | 6 New Cases | Lorraine Tognoli | AV Library | Unvaccinated Surge | PA Welcome | AVVFFA Raffle | Ukiah Library | Ballhunters | Ganja Ordinance | Immigration | Water Talk | Alien Rejection | Ed Notes | Social Order | Taxfree Wealth | Planners Planning | No Password | Poach & Pot | Sax Cow | Art Display | Yesterday's Catch | Evil Addiction | Fetch | Lonesome Me | Self Esteem | Desal CA | My Advice | Biggest Elephants | Phoneless Fool | Saving Steelhead | Unintelligent Species | Forest Health | Found Object

Off the Record (June 9, 2021)

BIDEN honored the nation's war dead on Memorial Day by taking part in a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National…

Valley People (June 9, 2021)

ANDERSON VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, CLASS OF 2021 Awards Night was Wednesday evening at the high school gym. Graduation, the following night, also in the high school…
