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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, July 29, 2021

Temps Rising | 12 New Cases | Confirmed Case | Vaccinate | 51st Death | Thanks Science | Mask Bragg | Kasten 1851 | Potty Talk | Morning Mendo | Michelle Ogletree | Tracey Thoughts | 50 Gallons | Dixie Firefighting | Volunteer Reception | Mendocino 1914 | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Glen Ford | Chaplin & Disney | Climate Now | Doctor Phuc | Sheepdog | Goat Biles | 1936 Cabins | Huff Strikes | Docked 1944 | City People | Big Catch | German Floods | Ladypants | Pummeled | Podiatrist | Space Bezos | Housing Bills | Self Preservation | 1899 Graduates | Declining Power | Dusty Hill | GOP School | Camp 1892 | Marco Radio | Sako Radio

Letters (July 29, 2021)

Well, here we go again with Robert Pinoli and the Skunk Train. Of course Robert will save the day and deliver water to the parched coast. Of course he will...

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Interior Warming | 18 New Cases | Vaccine Mandate | Second Thought | Flex Alert | Vanishing Reservoir | Richard Johnson | Railcar Turnaround | Proposed Names | Night Out | Bear Woman | Hotel Cecille | Mr. Ukiah | Galaxies Aplenty | Stealing Water | Carlson Hotel | Bear Radio | Covid Hotspot | Arson Arrest | Yesterday's Catch | Well Fail | Hunting 1906 | Pacification | 911 Call | Tax Cheats | Last Ulysses | Walking Highway | Colonel Shaw | Vaccine Aristocrats | Reagan Tax | Sally Gearhart | At Ease | American Way | Republican Intransigence | Avoid Plague | Powell Memo

Off the Record (July 28, 2021)

FORMER SUPERVISOR John Pinches told us recently that if the County was serious about doing something about water problems, they could run a smallish pipe…

Valley People (July 28, 2021)

AV FFA, PRESENTE! Hello Everyone! My name is Noah Sanchez and I'm a member of the Anderson Valley FFA. I am 16 years old and…

Mendocino County Today, Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Cloud Cover | 45 New Cases | Covid Surging | Forest Fest | Water Woes | Emergency Curtailments | Pyrocumulus | Stolen Equipment | Kelp Resurgence | Local Roads | Peashooter | Stupes Problem | Creepy Statue | Undammed | Suspect Arrested | Yesterday's Catch | Attention Deficit | Another Weirdo | National Woes | Emergency Preparedness | Nature Boy | Eiffel Painting | Contrails | Kung-Fu | Comments | Brian Morans | Vaccine Mandates | Unvaccinated Brainwashing | Streamline Cycle | Deadly Silence | Flower Seller | Ubiquitous Plastic | Farriers | Q Anons

A Note to Past and Current Subscribers

We were clearing out all our old expired Paypal subscription accounts this afternoon — housekeeping! — and didn't realize that Paypal would subsequently send a…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, July 26, 2021

Monsoonal Moisture | Fire Watch | Rust Pile | River Stop | Future Farmers | Referendum Short | Calder's Peak | Mo Disappointed | Wino Run | Skunk Claims | Redwood Journalists | Acting Trick | Orr's | Bragg Fort | Ed Notes | Pioneer Inn | Waterful Ukiah | Last Case | Yesterday's Catch | Brotherly Love | Civics | Greed Rush | Horse Intro | Chaotic Climate | Joe Cannabis | Civil Rights | Struggling People | Fraud Investigation | Found Object

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, July 25, 2021

Triple Digits | 5150 Call | Runner Rescued | Team Rubicon | County Roads | Misinformation | Purple Keys | Picky Multitude | News Bummer | Bridgework | Elliot Brothers | Mars 10¢ | Screwball Opinion | Cocaine Toothache | Phase 3 | Idiot Invasion | Real Solutions | High Cholesterol | Ocean Protection | Wooden Bomb | McGuire Approvals | Yesterday's Catch | Toxic Algae | Surprising Giants | American Welcome | Space Junk | Shrinkwrapped | Kunstler Watch | Bootcamp | Forever Chemicals | Natural Selection | Anti-Semitic Custard | Boom | Dance Party | Inescapable Seeming | Work | Thankful Victim | Dem Party
