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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Valley People 12/16/2009

 THOSE FETCHING little woolen dolls at the Knitted Brow in downtown Boonville are the creation of a young Polish artist named Katrin Laskowski who was born in Lodz where she also attended Art College and…

Valley People 12/12/09

 THE FARMER'S WEATHER report is the only accurate one around here. Last Saturday, as the weather cuties on television were warning of a huge rain storm that would smack NorCal by Monday, the farmers said…

Off the Record 12/9/2009

THIS GUY SAID to me the other day, “You know what the problem is with this county?” Limo Libs running everything? I guessed. “Nope,” he said, “it's our government bringing in all these Mexicans and…

Off The Record 12/2/2009

TRAVEL ADVISORY: The Heeser bathrooms in downtown Mendocino have been closed. They proba­bly aren't dank enough, but whatever the reason the Heeser tombs been replaced by a coed Port-A-Potty which, in the words of a…

Valley People 12/2/2009

GUIDO PRONSOLINO died Monday at his home in Yorkville. He was 83. A full obituary will appear next week, but a potluck celebration of Guido's life will be held this Friday (December 4th), 1pm at…

Valley People 11/24/2009

THE BOONVILLE LODGE and its 13 jobs are being killed by an absentee landlord, a Sebastopol man named Johnson. The Lodge will be dead by January the first. Johnson has more than doubled the lease…

Off the Record 11/25/2009

A COUPLE of phone calls to Fort Bragg officials were not returned, silent confirmation that an outside investigator based in Danville has been hired by Fort Bragg to evaluate the job performance of Fort Bragg…
