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  1. Jim Updegraff December 18, 2015

    There a lot of stupid people out there. One was a neighbor of mine – lived in a two story with bedroom up stairs. he slept every night with a loaded gun on his night stand. One night while he was sleeping his wife went downstairs when she came back he woke up, saw someone in the doorway and shot his wife 10 times. She didn’t died but was crippled up for life. Now that is stupid.

  2. Rick Weddle December 18, 2015

    Curiously named ‘Fire Arms’ get conflated with others of our favorite appendages. The confusing anthropomorphizing of these weapons goes yet further: Those artifacts, originally appliances of Personal Power, have taken on a ‘life’ of their own, such that Weaponry has a far greater presence and voice in our culture than we do.

    Curiouser yet is this Age of Weaponry enjoying ever greater popularity, when it’s never really worked (never)(not really) for anything but to ring the cash registers off the counter.

    Humans Under the Gun, for certain…The Drive-By of civilizations.

    Overpowered by our own handiwork in the Fake Power department.

    Guns call the shots.

  3. Jim Updegraff December 18, 2015

    Phallic symbolism is a real problem with the macho mindset, tends to make them look stupid.

  4. Nate Collins December 18, 2015

    The times I have handled other peoples guns because people like to show you their guns I have had a visceral bodily reaction that seems to be chemical in nature. Is it adrenalin? Sure its probably something else too. It did feel intense and powerful but my deduction has been that the energy and potential that they carry cause such a chemical reaction in humans that it could not be good for you health. It seems to me that the real use of the gun is when the ritual arises and you prepare to go out on a hunt to bring in a significant amount of food. The chemical bodily reaction would seem necessary to propel you with the necessary fuel and energy (and craziness?) to have a successful hunt.
    War (God forbid) seems to be the other example where you would get out the guns and basically go crazy (go to war) so the reaction of the body is useful and necessary. Or when a cop risks his life to go after some shithead who is doing wrong, the energy is necessary. Other than these EXTREME examples (and I’m sure there’s some more we could think of) it seems to me that guns have absolutely no value nor use. Yes guns chemically alter people so I’m sure you could say they make you stupid.

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