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Mendocino County Today: Friday, Jun 5, 2015

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On 06-03-2015 around 11:33 AM Mendocino County Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to a remote property in the area northeast of Potter Valley, near the Lake County line, on Dashiell Ranch Road. The reporting party called to report that two male subjects on the property had committed suicide.

Deputies arrived on scene and located two deceased adult males [ages 21 and 50]. Witnesses indicated the two men had committed suicide. Deputies initiated an investigation and spoke to several persons at the scene.

An autopsy has been scheduled in both cases and the cause and manner of death is currently under investigation.

The names of the decedents are not being released at this time as the next of kin has not been notified.

(Sheriff's Press Release)

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Tribe, Sheriff Disagree On Marijuana Project

by Carole Brodsky

“There are ninety nine things we agree on, and just one thing we disagree about.”

So states Mike Canales, President of the Business Board of the Pinoleville Pomo Nation, referring to a meeting he had today with Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman regarding the number of marijuana plants the tribe can legally place on their sovereign lands.

Heads have been turning and phones have been ringing all weekend, as casual passers-by, cannabis farmers and concerned citizens attempted to discern what they were seeing on a two-acre parcel visible from US 101, just north of Ukiah.


Those in the know identified the pallets of soil, the circular fabric “pots” and the irrigation lines as a burgeoning cannabis growing operation. But what was to be a 200-plant project situated on tribal lands has now been curtailed to two contiguous “grows” situated on adjacent parcels - one consisting of 25 plants and one strategically containing 26 plants.

Why 26 plants? “Because the Sheriff told me this afternoon that if we grow one plant over the 25-plant-per-parcel limit, he would eradicate that plant,” says Canales. And that, he continues, would initiate a chain of events that Canales states would violate rights of tribal sovereignty, something that Canales is ready to test in federal court.

Tribal members, under the tutelage of local, professional cannabis farmers have been working around the clock preparing the site for the delivery of the already-growing marijuana plants, which, following the completion of their life cycle, will be turned into bio-medicinal capsules and sublingual medicines (generally tinctures), designed to treat specific medical conditions known to be responsive to cannabis therapies.

But in order to make medicine from marijuana, the tribe requires enough plants to create it. Canales feels the Sheriff is misguided in his concerns over the tribal cannabis operation. “We had a good meeting today. A cordial meeting - one of many over the past year or so. But the Sheriff feels he still has jurisdiction over this area. Our three attorneys do not agree,” Canales continues.

The Sheriff is exercising his authority to limit the number of plants on the reservation based upon the county’s 9.31 marijuana growing ordinance, which states that a maximum of 25 plants can be grown per parcel. Canales states that as a sovereign nation, the tribe is not subject to the conditions of the ordinance, and they are ready to take the difference of opinion to court.

“When we plant that 26th plant, we have been told by the Sheriff that he will eradicate. At that point, we will file an injunction. I encouraged the Sheriff to come on the land. There won’t be any impediments to access. We feel that politically, the Sheriff doesn’t understand the 1988 decree, which gives our tribe jurisdiction of our lands. We believe we’re right, and they believe they’re right. We’re ready to go to Federal Court in San Francisco to talk about jurisdiction,” says Canales.

Canales feels the impasse would be better resolved government-to-government. “We would like to go forward by working with the county’s ad-hoc cannabis committee and the Board of Supervisors from here on. We’re talking about conversations and agreements from one sovereign state to another sovereign state.”

The garden site, clearly visible from Highway 101, is fed with well water located on tribal lands, powered by a solar pump. By planting the 26th plant at the site, the tribe is, in essence, calling the Sheriff’s bluff. “This tosses the ball to county government. Are they going to be happy with the legal bill they are going to receive when, and not if, we win our case?” Canales smiles. A detailed, 47-page Tribal Medical Marijuana Ordinance has been provided to the Sheriff and County Counsel. Examples of other ordinances crafted between county governments and tribes have also been provided to the Sheriff. “From the memo we received from the District Attorney, which is public record, we were under the impression that 200 plants, if they were covered and protected from view, would be permissible and that the District Attorney would not be interested in pursuing gardens that met the other important compliance guidelines, which we do. The Sheriff stated today that if you can see the plants from the street, according to the 9.31 regulations, you can’t grow there. We are putting fencing and protective visual barriers around the plants so they can’t be seen. Everyone will still know what we’re doing, but we are happy to comply with this request. But we planned our garden accordingly for 200 plants. Now, our hand has been forced.”

The tribe has jurisdiction of their entire 99-acre Rancheria and an additional 30 acres held in trust. Now, with the growing season rapidly under way, the tribe is scrambling to find appropriate locations for the remaining 150 marijuana plants, which will now be planted on portions of their trust lands. “We will be planting on some of that land. It will be fenced and protected. I’ve told County Counsel that although we have the right to plant on parcels on Lovers Lane, we’re not doing that. We’ve told the neighbors that we’re not doing that,” he continues.

“Some tribes are growing over ten times what we intend to grow. Yet they have forged agreements and ordinances between themselves and their local governments. This is a great deal of hassle and money for the county to spend to mitigate one plant - we’re not growing 2,000 plants, or a 40-acre parcel packed with cannabis plants,” Canales continues.

Two organizations, the United Cannabis Corporation and the Foxbarry Companies are providing the expertise and the structure for what Canales believes is the first project of its kind in the nation - a tribal-run, medical-only cannabis operation.

“The United Cannabis Corporation is a publicly traded medical marijuana company that produces no recreational products whatsoever. They develop numerous cannabis therapies for patients that have various ailments. This project is all about the medicinal properties of cannabis.”

For the tribe, the project is about improving the quality of life for members. “It’s about providing economic opportunities for this tribe so we can do the things that any government wants to do - provide affordable housing, quality education and job security for its people,” says Canales. He stresses, emphatically, that no recreational marijuana will be produced, sold or distributed. “All of these products are going to be turned into medicine. No bud is going onto the Mendocino black market - here or anywhere else,” he continues. “No tribal member is allowed to grow cannabis at their place of residence. Our ordinance stipulates that the project is structured as a not-for-profit collective. We can hire consultants, purchase materials and the like, but no tribal member will receive direct profits from the project,” he continues. Canales says that in the past week, the project has spent over $300,000 locally on soil, staffing, irrigation equipment and all the other necessities to establish a garden of this size.

If the suit goes forward and the tribe wins, Canales expects that not all the fallout will be positive. “Unlike our tribe, some will react to the fear mongering by growing as many plants as they want, without consulting or working with their local governments or their neighbors. There are other tribes that are growing cannabis, and they’re all going to join this lawsuit. I believe that this action puts everyone who is growing cannabis at risk today. I’d be really concerned if I were growing 25 plants right now and had a couple extras on hand in case some of the plants end up being males.”

“There are very disreputable people growing thousands and thousands of plants all over this county, and they’re picking on Pinoleville? A poor tribe with 200 plants? If I were the county, I’d be spending my meager resources looking for people polluting watersheds and growing 2,000 plants. Our tribe is going forward to exercise our sovereign rights on our trust lands. We do not intend to be singled out,” Canales concludes.

(Courtesy, the Ukiah Daily Journal.)

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WE’RE #44!

Open Letter to Mendocino Supervisors

Mendocino County Health and Human Services (HHS) ranks at or near the bottom of the 58 California counties on many measures, according to information made public recently.

  1. The 2015 Grand Jury Report on Child Protective Services (now called Family & Children’s Services) found that Mendocino County ranks at the bottom for two of three State measures of job performance. CPS/FCS is required by law to provide timely and appropriate services to children at risk. FCS fails to conduct timely investigations and is not in compliance with State-required educational standards for Social Workers handling child abuse/neglect cases. Under-qualified staff, staff shortages and poor management decisions are problems that need correcting.
  2. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that Mendocino County ranks 44th in Health Outcomes overall, in infant and child mortality, and children living in poverty; 50th in premature deaths; and 45th in Health Behaviors such as drinking and smoking.
  3. The State Mental Health External Quality Review Organization found that Mendocino County provides fewer services than other counties for: Inpatient, Residential, Crisis and Medication Support.

Please talk to informed people outside of HHS staff about solutions to these serious problems. You can create and oversee the corrections needed and that State Government requires. Your constituents want State and Federal government money used according to laws that: protect children and support their parents; and provide accessible treatment and support to people with severe mental illness and addictions.

Please create and oversee a HHS financial system that is accurate, bills properly, and available for all to see.

Sonya Nesch, Comptche

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Hi Everyone ~

This is an open invitation to our community to join us on Sunday June 7th at the Little League Baseball Field for our annual Home Run Derby / Tri-Tip BBQ.  This is the biggest fundraiser for Anderson Valley Little League and just like all other organizations here, we could always use the support.  The players will all receive their end of year awards, there will be a raffle with some really great prizes as well as the chance to win SF Giants tickets (and bragging rights) by hitting the most home runs.  There are prizes for all age groups so everyone will get the chance to hit!

The fun starts at 11am, we will start serving lunch at noon.  If you have any questions, have something to donate to the raffle or want to buy raffle tickets (the grand prize is also a set of 4 Giants tickets), please feel free to give me a call  We hope to see everyone there!

Shauna Espinoza, AVLL President


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A PICTURE IN TIME: The books were closed at 5 o'clock today on the prison statistics for January through May 2015. In the first five months of calendar year 2015, 71 defendants have been committed to state prison by the Mendocino County Superior Court, while 42 defendants have been ordered to serve a local prison sentence pursuant to the Realignment laws passed by the Legislature in 2011. Of the 113 defendants committed to either form of prison so far this calendar year, only 1 defendant has been found eligible for Proposition 47 relief.

In comparison, in the first five months of calendar year 2014, 38 defendants were committed to state prison from Mendocino County, while 41 defendants were committed to local prison. Of the 79 defendants committed to either form of prison through the first five months of 2014, 6 defendants have been granted relief from their prison commitment pursuant to the voter-approved Proposition 47. (DA’s Press Release)

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To the Editor:

We’re not friends.

In a recent article, Ross Liberty stated that he was surprised at my comments about him because he thought we were friends.

  1. Mr. Liberty was a source for a lie about me stating that I had been fired as the Executive Director of the Community Development Commission. That lie was later spread through a paid phone bank when I was a candidate for Supervisor. I can’t prove his connection to the phone bank but I have traced him as a leading source spreading the lie.
  2. Mr. Liberty has taken it upon himself to interfere in the internal governance of the County Employees Bargaining Unit. In doing so, he is acting as a kind of surrogate for County officials who privately express identical sentiments to his, but who know it would be illegal for them to interfere.
  3. Mr. Liberty knows I was the SEIU Organizer that finalized the affiliation of the employees association into the Union. He recently made and distributed a video where the SEIU Organizers are portrayed as Nazis. Mr. Liberty certainly doesn’t know the details of my family’s experience with the Nazis, but he knows I am Jewish and he knows I was the SEIU Organizer. Portraying me as a uniformed Nazi is beyond the bounds of decency.

Therefore, he needs to publicly apologize for implying we’re friends.

Joe Louis Wildman, Ukiah

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To the Editor:

It’s about the workers

It’s not all about you Joe.

While Mr. Wildman wants to personalize the discussion it is noteworthy that as to the best representation for Mendocino County employees he, in his letter to the editor, never claims that the SEIU has done a good job representing the Mendocino County employees that in 2014 paid SEIU $344,313.72 in dues. He is in good company, the employees don’t seem to think so either.

Moreover, while he assails me for being involved (I am not a County employee), how is that different from what he did when he promised the Mendocino County Employees Association members the sun, the stars and the moon if they would just join except that it turned into an SEIU paycheck for himself.

I am advocating for local representation, for Mendocino County employees, by Mendocino County employees and unlike Joe Wildman, I am not expecting a paycheck in return.

It is the nature of unions from faraway places (SEIU is in Chicago) to have more interest in keeping the dues coming than it is for them to work at getting the best deal for the employees. It is the nature of the SEIU to work harder at keeping the relationship between the employees and the employer adversarial than one of working together to mutual benefit. As Joe Wildman once said to me, “The relationship between the County follows the old Soviet model, the County pretends to pay them and the employees pretend to work.” Joe, that model didn’t work in the Soviet Union and it won’t work here.

I have for years heard grumblings from friends that are SEIU members that have, of course, been unhappy about the representation they have received but they have always felt trapped and powerless to do anything about it. My only goal was to show them that they do, in fact, have options and to show them the process which is to petition to decertify SEIU then have an election. The employees are the ones who will decide the outcome. They may choose, in the same election, to select another collective representative such as the Mendocino County Employees Association (

I could dispel Mr. Wildman’s rants but what’s the point, after all, it’s not about me Joe, it’s about the employees.

Ross H. Liberty, Ukiah

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ED NOTE:  We've often been critical of the SEIU's consistently incompetent representation of County workers, but it's up to the workers to get themselves some effective representation, not Ross Liberty, a Ukiah businessman who's anti-union. For the kind of money Mendo employees have been forking over to SEIU they ought to be suing SEIU for fraud, but if it were up to Liberty, public employees wouldn't be able to unionize. Any talk of Nazism in relation to Wildman is wayyyyyyyy over the line.

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ON JULY 19, 2015 the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office was contacted by the owners of the Long Valley Market in Laytonville California. They reported that the market had been the victim of embezzlement at the hands of an employee. The owners further reported they suspected the embezzlement had been occurring for approximately 7 years. The case was assigned to the Mendocino County Sheriff's Detectives Bureau for investigation. Detectives identified the suspect as Christine Kelsay, 33 years of age, from Willits. Detectives obtained probable cause and authored 9 separate search warrants for the suspect's residence, three different banking institutions, an internet service provider seeking banking, financial, and electronic evidence of the reported criminal activity. After a four month investigation Detectives presented a case to the Mendocino County District Attorney's Office alleging the suspect embezzled in excess of $450,000 dollars over a six year time frame. The District Attorney subsequently filed a criminal complaint, seeking an arrest warrant for the suspect. On 6-4-2015 at 7:00 AM Detectives arrived at the suspect's residence and placed her into custody without incident. She was transported and booked into the Mendocino County Jail related to a felony warrant, charging her with embezzlement, grand theft, a special allegation of aggravated theft (white collar crime) and a second special allegation of theft in excess of $200,000. She was lodged into the Mendocino County Jail and her bail was set at $50,000.

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ON JUNE 4, 2015 at approximately 1:10pm Wesley J. Brady, 66, of Fort Bragg was traveling southbound on Highway 1 a little South of Little River Airport Road in a 2010 Chevrolet when for an unknown reason he allowed his Chevrolet to travel across the northbound lane and strike a PG&E power pole on the east shoulder. The impact severed the power pole and it fell across both lanes, blocking Highway 1. Sparks then ignited a vegetation fire on the west shoulder. Highway 1 was closed for two hours while PG&E secured the scene (live power lines) and fire crews extinguished the fire. The no longer verticle power pole was removed. Alcohol or drugs were not considered a factor in this collision. Mr. Brady was wearing his seatbelt and complained of pain from minor injuries.

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by Ryan Burns

A bill aimed at curbing the environmental destruction caused by marijuana farming passed in the state Assembly this afternoon and will now move on to the state Senate for consideration. Assembly bill 243 (aka the Marijuana Watershed Protection Act) was authored by North Coast Assemblyman Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg), who spoke to a SoHum audience Friday during a public forum on marijuana policy.

The bill, which can be read in full here, would require the all nine of California’s Regional Water Quality Control Boards to develop environmental protections that address wastewater discharges from medical marijuana grows. It would also “generally require” all medical marijuana cultivators (besides those growing only for themselves) to obtain a permit from their local city or county — or, if the local jurisdictions choose to shirk that responsibility, from a state agency to be designated by the governor.

Local jurisdictions would be free to set their own limits on the number of plants allowed for cultivation in each outdoor parcel and indoor facility. Wherever local jurisdictions left it up to the state, the limits would be 99 plants outdoors and just six indoors.

Some other key elements of the bill:

It would require growers to follow state and local laws regarding land conversion, grading, electricity usage, water usage, water quality, woodland and riparian habitat protection, agricultural discharges, and etc.

Outdoor grows would be prohibited within 100 feet of any occupied homes or schools. Local jurisdictions could increase that distance up to a mile.

All outdoor grows would have to be out of public view and behind a fence at least six feet high.

It’s unclear who would enforce all of these new regulations. A multiagency task force has been working with the Department of Fish and Wildlife and State Water Resources Control Board on a pilot project and enforcement efforts in hopes of curtailing “the damages caused from marijuana cultivation on public and private lands in California,” according to the bill’s text.

If the bill is approved by the Senate it will go to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk, and if he signs off on it the new law would go into effect next July.


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The warning lists the safe areas to visit, and more information about the violence occurring south of the border.

While resort areas and popular tourist destinations generally do not see the same levels of drug-related crimes, some are located within states with travel safety advisories. Violent crimes from organized groups have resulted in U.S. citizens becoming victims of kidnapping, carjacking, robbery and murder while in Mexico.

The Department of State reports the number of U.S. citizens murdered in Mexico increased from 81 in 2013 to 100 in 2014. According to the travel warning, more than 130 Americans were reported kidnapped between January and November of 2014.

Travelers are encouraged to maintain low profiles and avoid calling attention to themselves by wearing indicators of wealth, like pricy jewelry, watches and cameras. Visitors should also cooperate with demands at checkpoints or criminals should they encounter them.

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OAKLAND, Calif. -- After an eight-day break, the NBA's top teams and biggest stars put on quite a show.

Only one kept it up for 53 minutes.

Stephen Curry had 26 points and eight assists, and the Golden State Warriors held off a 44-point effort by LeBron James for a thrilling 108-100 overtime victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers in Game 1 of the NBA Finals on Thursday night.

In the Finals for the first time in 40 years, the Warriors gave their long-suffering fans quite a treat. They rallied from an early 14-point deficit, absorbed a personal Finals best point total from James and shut down Cleveland in the extra session.

James shot 18 of 38 from the field and had eight rebounds and six assists in 46 minutes. But the four-time MVP missed a long jumper at the end of regulation, and Cleveland missed its first eight shots of overtime.

"We got to do more around him," Cavs coach David Blatt said.

Adding to the Cavs' frustration, point guard Kyrie Irving limped to the locker room after aggravating his troublesome left knee in overtime. He did not return.

Blatt had no immediate update on Irving's status.

Game 2 is Sunday in Oakland.

There were 13 lead changes and 11 ties in a game tightly contested across the board. There was little edge in shooting (Warriors 44.3 percent, Cavaliers 41.5 percent), rebounding (Warriors 48, Cavaliers 45) or assists (Warriors 24, Cavaliers 19).

In the end, it came down to the biggest stars making plays -- or not.

James and Curry carried their clubs through the fourth quarter, trading scores and assists in a back-and-forth duel that had a sellout crowd of 19,596 -- most wearing those blinding, golden yellow shirts. Both also had a chance to win the game in regulation.

Curry, the current MVP, beat Irving off the dribble and moved in for the go-ahead layup. Instead, Irving blocked Curry from behind, J.R. Smith came up with the rebound and the Cavs called a timeout with 24.1 seconds left.

James, trying to end Cleveland's 51-year championship drought, dribbled down the clock and missed a contested jumper over Andre Iguodala just inside the left arc, and Iman Shumpert's desperation shot nearly rimmed in at the buzzer, sending a collective sigh through the crowd.

The Cavs never came so close again.

Curry drew two deep shooting fouls at the start of overtime and made all four free throws, and Harrison Barnes hit a corner 3 just in front of the Cavs bench to give Golden State a 105-98 lead with 2:02 to play and sent the crowd screaming at full throat.

Irving, who finished with 23 points, seven rebounds and six assists, limped to the bench trying to shake off his troublesome left leg after the play. He was replaced by Matthew Dellavedova.

The Warriors went ahead 108-98 on free throws with 1:16 to play. James' layup with 8.9 seconds left accounted for Cleveland's only points in overtime.

James, who missed three shots and had two turnovers in overtime, walked off the court in frustration as time expired.

Both teams got through their early jitters and both stars were in full force.

James swished shots inside and out, looking calm and cool on basketball's biggest stage to guide the Cavaliers to a 29-15 lead late in the first quarter. But the Cavs scored just two points in 4 minutes without James to start the second quarter as the Warriors came rolling back behind Marreese Speights and their second unit.

Curry returned and connected on his first 3-pointer with 4:21 remaining in the quarter, a quick-trigger release over James Jones in the left corner to even the score at 36-all. Curry stopped and stared at the crowd, giving a high-five to a fan in the front row, and followed with a series of scintillating shots.

But Smith turned in the final highlight of the half. His third 3-pointer -- from 29 feet -- in the final seconds put Cleveland up 51-48.

James carried Cleveland through a thrilling third quarter, but neither team could pull away. Iguodala's emphatic dunk tied the score at 73-all heading to the fourth, then Harrison Barnes’ three-pointer from the corner in overtime sealed the lead after 48 minutes turned out not to be enough to settle this one. (Courtesy, the Associated Press)

KYRIE IRVING INJURY: Cavaliers star limps off in overtime vs. Warriors during Game 1

By Ricky O'Donnell

Cleveland Cavaliers guard Kyrie Irving limped off the floor in overtime of Game 1 after injuring his knee. Irving has been slowed down by lower body injuries throughout the postseason, missing Game 2 and Game 3 against the Hawks in the Eastern Conference finals. He has not returned. Irving appeared to be in visible pain coming off the floor. Irving confirmed after the game that he injured his knee, not his ankle. He said the injury felt different than what he had experienced in the series against Chicago. Irving was excellent early in the game, and even made a game-saving block on a Steph Curry layup late in the fourth quarter. He finished the game with 23 points, seven rebounds and six assists in 44 minutes of play. (Courtesy

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Dear Steph,

I am a Dubs fan. Always have been, always will be. I pass by Oracle Arena every day to and from work. Traffic is so bad on 880 I often get to admire, at length, the giant hanging posters adorned with your face and the gaudy playoff decorations in blue and gold. Those also happen to be the school colors of the high school nearby where I teach. I have a Baron Davis jersey from We Believe, I grew up watching Run TMC. I giggled each and every time Manute Bol drained a three. When I was a wee lad one of my favorite things to say over and over was Sarunas Marciulionis. I am a Bay Area native, and the Warriors are my team.

And I love you. You would be my favorite player except for I have a soft spot for emotionally unstable crazies, and so I really love me some Draymond Green. But you are amazing and I also give you credit for being an amazing person off the court as well.

But I have to ask you to do me a solid and make sure you don’t ever come visit my high school.

I know the NBA does great things in the community, and I realize the Warriors are no exception. Your boy Klay Thompson is a finalist for the NBA Cares Community Assist Award for having such an impact in and around Oakland this year. The NBA Cares campaign continually shows the league is committed to getting out in the community and helping those in need. When you get involved in soup kitchens, wrap Christmas presents for needy kids, and build homes for the homeless I am inspired. But where those kinds of civic-minded activities have clear benefits, I have to tell you something you probably haven’t heard: Coming to poor high schools like mine isn’t going to help any of these kids out, in fact, it might make things worse.

You see, Steph (I hope you don’t mind if I call you Steph), if you come to my school you will be your usual inspiring, humble, hilarious, kind self and you will say all the right things. But the reason I don’t want you to come has to do with what you won’t say.

You won’t say that since the day you were born you had a professional one-on-one tutor who helped you hone your skills on a daily basis. Your father Dell Curry was an NBA great just like you are after him, but you will not remind the poor kids at my school that they have never had such a wonderful instructor and they never will.

And if you do ever visit my school, you also won’t mention that along with your father’s success came all the monetary rewards NONE of my students have, like three square meals a day; a full sized court and hoop in the backyard; a sense of safety; a mother and a father; top schools, top peers, and community resources. I know you might not think of it like this, but you might as well have come from another planet. But you won’t say that, will you?

I mean, look at Klay Thompson. I wonder if anyone else finds it odd that the best shooting back-court in NBA history were both born with silver balls.

You also won’t talk about the fact that you are a giant man and taller than almost all of my students will ever be. Even though on the court you look like Peter Dinklage in high tops, when you are around real people you are very, very tall. Six-foot-three is nothing to laugh at, and if you did walk into my classroom, you might hit your head on the doorframe. You won the genetic lottery in addition to the monetary one, but you probably won’t be reminding my students that their size alone has already kept them out of competing in most American professional sports.

What you will do is shoot some threes, dazzle everyone with your dimples, high five the homies, and sign some autographs. It will be wonderful. At least, it will seem like that at first. But what you won’t see is the fact that most of these kids don’t have a backup plan for their dream of being you. If you ask the boys on my campus what they are going to be when they get older, the answer will involve a sport. They will claim they are going to play in the NBA or NFL, and seeing you there will make them think they can actually do it.

Because the worst thing you won’t tell them Steph, is that they can’t do it. You won’t tell them that will you? You won’t be able to bring yourself to tell them it is already too late. You won’t tell them about all those years when you were playing in top competitive leagues as a child. You won’t tell them that if they haven’t played organized basketball by the age of sixteen (twelve, really), they have no chance of going pro. You see, the kids I am talking about do not play year-round, they are not in a travelling league, and they have never even heard of a McDonald’s All-American; they just eat McDonald’s two meals a day and have Hot Cheetos in between.

Because by the time they are sixteen, boys in this country, if they have even a tiny, tiny chance of going pro, should already be on the radar of colleges and scouts. They should be the best player not just at their school but in their entire city. Probably their entire state. They should already be 6’3” and growing. You know this and I know this, but the kids who you will inspire with your presence will simply see you and think they too will be MVP one day, even though they don’t even play for our high school team. So instead of doing homework the night after your visit, they will grab their lopsided old ball and go play on the court with their little brother and shoot the ball badly, improbably thinking every time the ball actually does go in it means they are on their way to fame and fortune.

You see Steph, once you leave my school, the boys here are not going to run home and finish that essay, which is one thing they could do about their future that is in their control. Just like if Beyonce came here, the girls wouldn’t head back to their one bedroom apartments filled with two families and begin their science labs. When Beyonce tells them to make sure they pass Algebra, they look at her and ask “What for? Did Algebra help your voice?” Instead they will go home and look in the mirror and wish they were tanner and thicker and a better singer and dancer and they will cry into their mascara. Because that is what celebrity worship does, Steph, and we need these kids to do less of it rather than more. They are already very good at dreaming about being rich and famous, what we need them to do is get a little more realistic about what is in their control. We need less of an emphasis on sports and celebrity in high school, because it is hurting these kids too much as it is.

Really the more I think about it, the crazier it sounds to write to you and tell you NOT to come to my high school. I mean, you are such an awesome guy, you are a family man with a wife and daughter, with another on the way. That video your wife made is hella funny. You are humble, a leader, and clearly our young men need to meet a man like you. Maybe I’m wrong to write this letter.

Or maybe not. When I tell my students they are not going to be professional athletes, they like to say, “Won’t you feel stupid if one of your students does go pro?” And my answer is always the same: “No, because even if they do, that means I will still be 99.9% right. Right now I am one thousand for one thousand.” Steph, you and I know they have a better chance of winning the lottery, but no one seems to tell them these things but me. Would this letter make you feel better if I told you I discourage the California Lottery from giving inspirational speeches at my high school as well? If I wrote them a letter, would anyone think I was out of line? Probably not.

At risk of making Dub Nation mad at me, because I know how we can get, I don’t want you to think it has anything to do with you personally, or the team (I will be screaming every time you hit a three all throughout the playoffs). It’s me, not you. I mean, you are the man, and I am just a teacher – no one really. The truth is, every person on earth would probably get something out of meeting you in person. For you symbolize everything people in this country value most, you are the epitome of all we hold dear, you are the pinnacle of humanity: You are good at a sport.

— Matt Amaral, Berkeley (

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No one likes us -- I don't know why

We may not be perfect, but heaven knows we try

But all around, even our old friends put us down

Let's drop the big one and see what happens


We give them money -- but are they grateful?

No, they're spiteful and they're hateful

They don't respect us-so let's surprise them

We'll drop the big one and pulverize them


Asia's crowded and Europe's too old

Africa is far too hot

And Canada's too cold

And South America stole our name

Let's drop the big one

There'll be no one left to blame us


We'll save Australia

Don't wanna hurt no kangaroo

We'll build an All American amusement park there

They got surfin', too


Boom goes London and boom Paree

More room for you and more room for me

And every city the whole world round

Will just be another American town

Oh, how peaceful it will be

We'll set everybody free

You'll wear a Japanese kimono

And there'll be Italian shoes for me


They all hate us anyhow

So let's drop the big one now

Let's drop the big one now

— Randy Newman

* * *


Eric Sunswheat wrote: Asking KZYX-Z MCPB management to volunteer, and requesting that KZYX  programmers be paid, other than perhaps a mileage stipend, seems to be  a canard or wedge issue, which may gather no steam and result in  unintended consequence of continued voter member election distortion.

* * *

Eric, I'm not sure what you mean by "voter member election distortion". I don't trust the elections that Stuart Campbell runs (in the latest one I wasn't mailed a ballot, for example, until it was too late for it to count, and Stuart wrote to me that under no circumstances was I to construe that as an attempt to prevent me from voting)-- but let's say I trust him, and trust the count; even going by his numbers, only about 30% of the membership voted, and 63% of that 30% voted for the status-quo stonewalling candidates. That's one-fifth of the deliberately poorly informed membership. Hardly a mandate.

I'm sure you know about the behind the scenes chicanery: in the latest election Stuart ran interference for the manager-favored boardmembers by keeping candidate contact information away from the only not-KZYX candidate on-air forum (MendocinoTV), crippling it, and limited the KZYX on-air forum to a single controlled, stilted, nearly scripted session with Mary Aigner at the controls. I know they didn't ask the questions I sent in. John Coate, who requires a compliant board for his continued sugar, stuck his tentacle into the election process to denigrate the really very moderate reform candidates, and then crowed about how the people who were trying to neuter him (!) should shut the fuck up now that they have lost so big, not that they will (as he put it).

* * *

Eric wrote further: Fallout now underway could be, further discontinuation of volunteer programmers, additional replacement of programmers by syndicated content, and as has now occurred, part time paid staff imported from out of county initially clueless about local issues, juxtaposed by continued ramped up of extended promotional air time for advertising sponsors.

* * *

So, more of the same, then. Those sound like pretty good reasons to change out the management. But are you saying that holding their feet to the fire won't do any good because they've grown too powerful to dislodge and it just makes them increase the beheadings until morale improves around here?

All they have ever had to do is to behave honorably, as if they're in it for radio and not for the money and petty power, and every day they get up and choose not to do that, and things only get worse, and they blame everyone but themselves for any trouble that arises. If the complaints about bad management had no merit, the FCC wouldn't still be holding up the license process.

* * *

And Tim Gregory writes [all ellipses Tim's]:

Marco...running down, or just warming up your usual hyperbole? do-nothing democrats meet do-nothing republicans to shriek about why underfunding kzyx is the answer to why they aren't listening to themselves on kzyx right now. wondering if in the interim you actually attempted communication/exchange of new ideas with non-disaffected board members...those other poor souls lost to the borg... i'm sure sako will be along to high five you, turn up the preening...

* * *

Tim, I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat, and MCPB is not a government service; it's a corporation whose officers, like the officers of increasingly many other fake-charity corporations, suck all the money out of it for themselves.

And I notice that you never answer any of my points. KZYX is in fact many times overfunded. Just the CPB grant pays at least twice-over for all KZYX expenses and always has. The shows can all run. Your show can go on. The only reason KZYX needs money-money-money is for the CEO and his cronies to pay themselves and barricade themselves in their position. That's not a new idea at KZYX, it's been a constant since the beginning in 1989. I was there.

And I have written to the board on many occasions in the last six months and never got a reply except from Stuart Campbell, who claims truculently that /he speaks for the board/ and-- odd, but every time, according to him, they agree on what he tells me, which is that he likes the way things are and nothing will change. Also odd: the board (Stuart) only replies to me when I copy what I write the board to the AVA. Otherwise, nothing.

The public has no way of knowing or tracking whether he even passes along to the boardmembers what anyone writes to the board (through him!). I suggested releasing the email list. Stuart's answer: no. I suggested a regular show of on-air station business discussion. No. I suggested putting a station operation forum on the KZYX website. No. I pointed out that they're lying when they say the members control the station. Stuart replied that, get this: the members control the philosophy of the station by voting for boardmembers who give all control to John Coate.

So you see that I have tried to work with your system.

And I've made it clear that I want to use the public resource the amply-tax-funded management of KZYX seems dedicated to defending from my use, and I'm qualified, and my long experience in teaching and publishing and broadcasting both teevee and radio, shows it. I waited years to start bitching about this, after applying again and being told by Mary Aigner that no-one was going to read my application. Airpeople offered for me to fill in for them when they had to be out of town; Mary hit the roof in anger that they even spoke to me. What do you see that I should have done that I haven't done, and how long did you want me to wait, Tim?

I have things in mind to do with radio that need a countywide platform like the one I had for almost 15 years at KMFB. I'm being prevented from using KZYX by people who don't themselves want to use it; they just want to control it.

* * *

And Late Night Liz wrote: I (professional broadcaster since the '60's) am perfectly happy volunteering my time to spin tunes on air. You gotta serve somebody. Bob Dylan said that. Change is inevitable; it's the law. In my opinion, keeping the station on air is more likely to bring about a melding of all our various agendas than reducing KZYX to smoking rubble. During pledge drive, whine not express your opinions along with your pledge of support?

* * *

Good idea, Liz, express opinions. Again, though, it's not an opinion but a fact that KZYX is fully funded by the CPB grant and only needs to run pledge drives to pay the few people at the top to mismanage the station so badly that it sprays $550,000 per year into the aether, so true support and true service would be to call the pledge line and express opinions that are not allowed on the air at KZYX and then politely make clear that you'll be holding onto your pledge this time until they are.

* * *

And David Steffen wrote:

I'm paid about $15 an hour. Not really a living wage but higher than the California minimum. But when you factor in the 50-60 hours that I work each week as a salaried employee (i.e., no overtime), my salary is really about $11 an hour. Earned in Mendocino County with poor roads, high prices, and no decent public transportation.

* * *

But all your business-underwriting-coordinatey efforts, such as they are, barely bring the station enough money to pay you. And a lot of it is money the station would be getting if you weren't there at all, so what is the point of you? Meanwhile, a hundred other people are working at KZYX, and they aren't paid a cent. I understand the good serfs among them are happy to do it. If the ones actually doing the work of radio are willing to volunteer in this terrible economic climate of bumpy roads and expensive cheese and crackers, David, why is it beneath you and Mary Aigner and John Coate to similarly volunteer?

* * *

And Sharon Garner wrote:

It is really a shame that a handful of spiteful people are trying to take down our county's public radio station. Just because a small station in Ukiah runs on 19,000 a year, doesn't mean that it is of the same caliber as KZYX. I think that all of this is a load of bull. My husband has been a programmer for more than 23 years at KZYX. People who are running this station deserve to be paid a "LIVING WAGE" to do everything that keeps it running. NOBODY should have to work for free. The programmers volunteer a 2 hour stint. The people who work 40 plus hours a week are not going to do it for nothing. Somebody really needs to get their facts straight. To compare KZYX with a small station in Ukiah is a load of garbage...just sayin.

* * *

Exactly, Sharon. Nobody should have to work for free. The airpeople should be paid a reasonable stipend for their time and talent and work. And they shouldn't have to do pledge drives instead of their shows. And the ones who want to do something more than just play CDs and ID the station and chuckle with their three regular callers should be in control of their own shows and not not be constantly under threat. And, yeah, the managers should be paid, but by the hour for the hours actually spent on essential tasks. At KNYO in Fort Bragg, one man does the work of general manager, program scheduler, operations coordinator and underwriting outreach, and all that occupies a lazy afternoon per month. KNYO doesn't have countywide reach, because by law an LP station's power is limited, but everything that's required to maintain KZYX is required at KNYO. And Bob Young does it for no pay; he doesn't do it for nothing, he does it for radio. If KNYO could have KZYX's county-spanning frequencies, the difference would be nothing but a little more electricity; it wouldn't mean more work for Bob. And all three of MCPB's (KZYX, KZYZ, et al.) transmitters together cost only about $15 a day to run. That's really how little it costs.

If the people running KZYX are frazzled it's not by work but by faking being busy and by running every aspect of the project in the most wasteful, byzantine, tension-making manner possible. They are stunningly incompetent. And they may be busy much of the time with things that have no bearing on radio, for which they shouldn't be paid by the radio station. John Coate, for example, would like to turn the station into a social media site of bells and whistles on the web, but somehow without the frightening prospect of members communicating out of his control with one another. You can see the problem.

Thinking in these terms, I take it back. I don't want them to volunteer. They're not suited for the work.

The purpose of a community radio station is to provide a place for people in the community to do radio. It shouldn't be to pay an entitled gang to keep people out who have a great deal to offer. Imagine if your husband had been kicked out four months after he started at KZYX 23 years ago, and then blackballed and ostracized by the power structure there ever since. Would you be angry now at people who speak up for what they believe in, or would you recognize the ongoing injustice and speak up with them?

Marco McClean

* * *

Firstly, be civil as you write here. The listserv isn't meant to degrade others, or their opinion.

Marco is writing about his DIRECT experience. I am not sure the other writers have direct experience. Did you attend the May Annual Membership meeting? Did you see the GM cross his arms and REFUSE to speak to a sitting Board Member with a question? Yes, that's correct. The GM decided he wouldn't speak to a Board Member with a legitimate financial question. That's on the GM, not anyone rightly asking a question.

Eric, please, plain speak. You're clearly a bright writer, but let's help here and not cloud the issue further.

Folks, the station is in serious trouble. It's sinking; and, to just say, let's do more of the same, is a waste of donors' money and resources. Would you accept this from any other business entity? Would you manager your personal resources this way and bankrupt yourself?

Look again at the budget that Mr Sakowicz provided a link to that was generated by KZYX/Z for the community. Read it and if you have a question, contact the President and/or Treasurer with your questions. Be smart. Be informed.

Understand where and why your money is going and what the direct result of YOU GIVING TO THE STATION is in actual spending.

For example, $1000 is budgeted for a 12 month period for three studios to repair and upgrade the crux of radio....the equipment!!! This is out of a budget of over $500,000. All of us have experienced dead air, off the air, dropped web streams, and NOISE BROADCASTED OVER programs that are playing.

The station had issues like these TWELVE TIMES in the first THREE MONTHS of 2015 according to the GM's Blog. In other words, he wrote to tell us why the station was off the air. $1000 for three studios! So much for emergency broadcasting when the serious weather or fire seasons begin. During the last severe weather this February, KZYX was off the air or broadcasting noise over programs.

Why, if KZYX/Z is the resource for Emergency Broadcasting for Mendocino County, would it not put the bulk of its money into good and reliable equipment? It is not realistic to proactively decided to put $1000 into the budget of over $500k and expect the station to broadcast daily and predictably. That's like whistling in the dark.

Sharon, I respect your loyalty to your husband and his volunteer work over the years. He does his show out of the kindness of his heart and it has value for him. I understand completely. Your husband and others who volunteer their time deserve equipment that works, and direct support and help from the Program Director, even if the Program Director has to retrain those programmers who need a refresher.

There is no harm in rethinking a model that isn't working. In fact, it's prudent. No one is advocating that community radio be thrown out of our community. Rather, the efforts of the KZYX Members for Change is asking supporters and business underwriters to look at how and where the money is spent. Why is this not seen as good stewardship?

I repeat: Look at the budget, and ask good questions. Look at the most recent audit, that from my non-profit experience, is not a certified audit. It just isn't an actual audit. To meet By-Law requirements, the management was to have conducted a certified audit and present it to the Members at the recent May meeting.

No one on this list serve would conduct their businesses or home accounts like this. You would understand your budget and your reporting of your budget. You would make yourself understand how your money is being spent, saved, etc. This is not happening at KZYX/Z.

I love public radio. Many of us love public and community radio.

Be courageous enough to face the change that is coming.

M Kathryn Massey KZYX, Members for Change (Face Book)

PS. Lynn, What you see is what you get. In the Audit, ( Paul Lambert chaired the Audit Committee) for the May Annual Membership meeting, there were no real line items to help the membership understand how monies were actually spent.

Further, when a* sitting Board Member* asked a question of the GM, the GM crossed his arms and feet and said: "I am not going to answer any of your questions and I won't speak to you." Paul Lambert was of no further help. His report did not list line items, and further, he made no mention to the assembled membership, who sat on the Audit Committee; when they met as a committee; and, who certified the Audit performed, that hopefully, was conducted by an independent CPA. We just don't know these facts.

These are important aspects of any legitimate audit. KZYX/Z is a not for profit. It must adhere to the FCC, CPB, Secretary of State and IRS policies and procedures to maintain it's operation license and to ask you, the public, for money.

Lynn, ask questions of the Board President and Board Treasurer, until you completely understand what is being spent. It's unacceptable for a Board President to give the GM a pass, when a sitting Board Member has legitimate budget questions, either publicly or privately. The GM's behavior is unprecedented, unprofessional, and is grounds for removal.

Do you know of another non-profit in our community whose donors would accept this "little boy" behavior to a Board Member? I don't. It's grounds for immediate dismissal. The Board President did NOTHING.

People have regularly said Mr Sakowicz has been upsetting the status quo and the proverbial apple cart. Yes, he has. But, now, can you see why? Can you see why many of us are upset with the status quo? Management and Board Members want this little problem to go away because they don't want to confront the GM and other staff. The tail wags the dog.

Even if you don't always agree with how Mr Sakowicz has addressed the issues besetting the station, you must look further into what he and others are making the public aware, not so much as how.

Ask yourself. Do you want a legitimate, viable, community supported and community represented radio station? This is the crux of what Mr Sakowicz and others have been trying to lay at your feet.

Lynn, and others who think I am a "hater." Nothing could be further from the truth. But, GET TO THE TRUTH. Don't blindly accept the poor financial accounting; the characterization that all is as the GM says. Please, ask good questions!

M Kathryn Massey

Mendocino Ca

KZYX Members for Change, Face Book

* * *


by Dan Bacher

Thursday Jun 4th, 2015 7:30 AM

"The situation is critical and we’re left with no alternative but the courts," said Bill Jennings, Executive Director of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA). "And we’re prepared to sue them again and again and again. We don’t know if we can save these species, perhaps we can, but by god we will try!”

A coalition of fishing and environmental groups yesterday filed a lawsuit in federal court against the state and federal governments for weakening and/or failing to comply with water quality standards established to protect the San Francisco Bay Bay-Delta Estuary, the largest estuary on the West Coast of the Americas.

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA), California Water Impact Network (CWIN), AquAlliance and Restore the Delta (RTD) have filed a complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief, under the Administrative Procedures Act, and a Petition for Writ of Mandate, under California Code of Civil Procedure, in federal District Court for the Eastern District of California.

The lawsuit alleges that the U. S. Department of Interior, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation the State Water Resources Control Board and the Department of Water Resources violated the federal Clean Water Act, the Bay-Delta Plan, Central Valley Project Improvement Act, the Delta Protection Act and other state and federal statutes in weakening and/or failing to comply with water quality standards established to protect the Bay-Delta estuary. As a result of their failure to comply with the law, water quality in the Delta is severely degraded and fisheries have been pushed to the brink of extinction.

“We bring this lawsuit in an effort to prevent the impending extinction of fisheries that thrived for millennia. Delta smelt, once the most abundant species in the estuary, are on the precipice of extinction and longfin smelt and winter-run and spring-run Chinook salmon are close behind,” said CSPA Executive Director Bill Jennings. "We cannot stand aside and watch species go extinct simply because special interests have captured our regulatory agencies and they refuse to comply with laws enacted to protect fish and water quality.

"The situation is critical and we’re left with no alternative but the courts," added Jennings. "And we’re prepared to sue them again and again and again. We don’t know if we can save these species, perhaps we can, but by god we will try!”

Operation of the state and federal water projects by DWR and Reclamation has brought fisheries to historic lows. Since 1967, abundance indices for striped bass, Delta smelt, longfin smelt, American shad, splittail and threadfin shad have declined by 99.7, 97.8, 99.9, 91.9, 98.5 and 97.8%, respectively. according to Jennings.

Natural production of Sacramento winter-run and spring-run Chinook salmon have declined by 98.2 and 99.3%, respectively, and are only at 5.5 and 1.2 percent of doubling levels mandated by the Central Valley Project Improvement Act, California Water Code and California Fish & Game Code.

The groups filed the lawsuit at a time when California agribusiness interests have increase acreage in water-thirsty almonds by 150,000 acres during the current drought. Meanwhile, Governor Brown has mandated that urban water districts slash their water use by 25 percent throughout the state.

* * *


On Friday, June 12th, SHC Industries will be hosting Project Local Southern Humboldt, a free event showcasing local artists of all genres. The doors will open at 7:30 and the event will begin at 8 p.m. — it will be an evening fueled by local creativity, fused with a performance meets speakeasy vibe, and fired up by local drinks!

Project Local is the weird and wacky brainchild of Sophia Formosa, Molly Fletcher Lynch, and Veronica Lichter — all professional artists of different mediums, from different parts of the country and with local hometown pride, recognizing the creativity bursting at the seams of small towns.

Southern Humboldt is the chosen location to host the first ever Project Local, thanks to the generous donation of space by SHC Industries local business owner Jubal Sherman and local non-profit Sanctuary Forest, who Project Local is thrilled to support with funds raised from our beer and wine bar. The evening will bring together an eclectic and exciting mix of local artists, including live dance, painting, DJs, film, stand-up comedy, art exhibits, hair styling, and more! Featured in the lineup of local talent (but not limited to) are Eli Fowler of Little Kidd Lost, Berel Alexander, Galen Davis, Sophia Formosa, Shannon Bennett, Katrina Nystrom, Marisa Formosa, and Brezlyn Drake. Also included will be a few out of town guests, both to expand the creative community and share Humboldt County’s artistic flare with a wider audience.

The idea of Project Local began in 2014 while all three women were participating in an arts festival in Arezzo Italy. Together they dreamed up Project Local, a series of evenings where everyone is encouraged to participate and share their creative input.

We in Southern Humboldt know we live in a special place—one that inspires our inner artists, allows us the freedom and lends us the support to express it as we wish. So come enjoy an evening intended to celebrate Southern Humboldt art, creativity, and people as we move, mingle, show, share, and sip our way through an evening basking in Southern Humboldt style.

* * *

ON LINE COMMENT OF THE DAY: My wife claims I love baseball more than I love her, but I've told her that I love her more than I love football.

* * *

CATCH OF THE DAY, June 4, 2015

ANTHONY AGUILAR, Ukiah. Misdemeanor hit&run, possession of meth for sale, evasion, failure to appear.

WILLIAM BARRY, Ukiah, Drunk in public, refusing to provide ID.

CHRISTOPHER BOYCE, Gold Hill, Oregon/Ukiah. Resisting arrest.

IVANA BUTUSOV, Ukiah. Pot cultivation, possession for sale, armed with firearm.

LEARTIS CARADINE, Red Bluff/Ukiah. Violation of community supervision.

RICKIE CURTIS, Willits. Drunk in public, probation revocation.

CRAIG HILLMAN, Castleberry, Florida/Potter Valley. Pot cultivation, possession for sale, armed with firearm, ex-felon with firearm.

DANIEL JACOBONI, Fort Bragg. Possession of drugs while armed.

CHRISTINE KELSAY, Willits. Felony embezzlement, grand theft.

CLEMENTE MAGALLON, Ukiah. Pot cultivation, possession for sale, probation revocation.

ROQUE MINCITAR, Ukiah. Probation revocation.

WILLIAM MIRANDA, Ukiah. Possession of controlled substance and paraphernalia, fugitive from justice.

RENE PANIAGUA, Willits. Domestic battery, DUI.

RICKEY PHILLIPS III, Willits. Petty theft.

JOSE RODRIGUEZ, Ukiah. Under influence of controlled substance, probation revocation.

CHRISTOPHER SCARIONI, Ukiah. Drunk in public.

TYLER SHIVELY, Willits. Drunk in public.

CHARLES STARK, Ukiah. Possession of controlled substance.

BRYAN STENCIL, Willits. Probation revocation.

* * *


Using a Firearm to Commit First Degree Murder, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 924(j),

Murder in the Course of a Narcotics Offense, in violation of 21 U.S.C. ‘ 848(e)(1)(A),

Conspiracy to Commit Marijuana Offenses, in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 846 and 841,

Marijuana Offenses, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841,

and two counts of Using a Firearm During a Crime of Violence or Narcotics Trafficking Offense, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 924(c),

The charges stemmed from the defendant’s murder of Mario Roberto Juarez-Madrid and the shooting of Pedro Fernando Lopez-Paz on August 25, 2010, on the defendant’s marijuana farm in Humboldt County, California.

Evidence at trial showed that Wilde, 33, of Kneeland, Calif., began a large marijuana grow with more than 1500 plants on over 800 acres of mountain property in Kneeland, California – close to Eureka – during the summer of 2010. In the course of his marijuana cultivation operation, Wilde hired three workers to water and care for the plants, including Mr. Juarez-Madrid and Mr. Lopez-Paz, both from Guatemala. During August of 2010, Wilde provided the workers with firearms to protect against robbery of the marijuana grow.

In late August, the workers became unhappy and wanted to leave with payment for the work they had already performed after Wilde altered their work conditions. Rather than paying the workers, Wilde took the firearms away from them, and on August 25, 2010, returned to the property armed, and shot them.  Wilde shot Mr. Lopez-Paz in the face, but he survived, hiding in the woods all night until he found help the following morning. Wilde shot Mr. Juarez-Madrid three times and hunted him down, with the final shot a contact wound to the back of Mr. Juarez-Madrid’s head. The third worker, Christopher Bigelow, also fled into the woods and hid until he was found by a jogger the following morning.  The jury found the defendant guilty of a premeditated first degree murder, in addition to the other charges listed above.

Wilde is scheduled to be sentenced on June 3, 2015, by the Honorable Edward M. Chen, U.S. District Judge. The defendant faces a possible sentence of a mandatory minimum 55 years up to two terms of life in prison, a $1.5 million fine, and five years of supervised release.  However, any sentence will be imposed by the court only after consideration of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and the federal statute governing the imposition of a sentence, 18 U.S.C. § 3553.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Kimberly Hopkins and William Frentzen, paralegal specialist Kevin Costello, and legal techs Lance Libatique, Ponly Tu, Daniel Charlier-Smith, and Marina Ponomarchuk.  The case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, San Francisco Division and Sacramento Division; Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office; Humboldt County District Attorney’s Office; United States Marshals Service; California Highway Patrol; CalFire; and Redding Police Department.

(US Attorney’s Office press release)

* * *

BLOOM BLAST: FOG Donation Vote; Pruning Workshop; and More at the Coast Botanical Gardens

* * *


A unique exhibit of Spiritual & Socially Conscious Art by 15 Mendocino County artists ~ PLUS: a multi-media EXPO presenting hopeful news about momentous events now transforming our world.

June 4 through 26, Odd Fellows Gallery, Mendocino

Open daily 10:30 - 5 pm (closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays)

Opening Celebration: Saturday, June 13, 5:00 pm.

Transmission Meditation Workshop: Friday, June 19, 7 pm.

Sponsored by: Share International USA

Information: 707-895-3134

* * *


Join Sanctuary Forest on Saturday, June 13th for The Resilient Homestead: Water, Fire & Soils. This tour will be led by permaculture practitioner and restorationist Kyle Keegan and his family on the Fool’s Farm in Salmon Creek from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. The focus of the hike will be building resilience on the homestead through a holistic land stewardship approach that integrates water, fire and soils. The day will include: permaculture design principles in action, water conservation techniques, groundwater recharge projects, no-till gardening, dry-farming, rainwater catchment, brush check-dams, perennial bunchgrass and oak woodland reclamation/restoration, an active biochar kiln, and fire hazard reduction with wildlife, water, soils and native food plants in mind. Participants will also have an opportunity to purchase rare perennial edible plants from the Fool’s Farm nursery. Meet at the Shop Smart parking lot in Redway at 9 a.m. to carpool, and bring sturdy hiking shoes, long pants, sun protection, lots of water, lunch and a notepad. The hike will be moderate with some steep hills. This hike is free of charge, though donations are gladly accepted and help Sanctuary Forest to offer this program year after year. For questions or clarifications, contact, or visit You can also contact Kyle Keegan at (707) 943-1504, or

Support from volunteers and local businesses have made this program possible for Sanctuary Forest. Local businesses that have made generous contributions are James Holland, MSW Counseling Services, J.Angus Publishing Group, Southern Humboldt Fitness, Sylvandale Gardens, The Security Store, Blue Star Gas, Caffe Dolce, Charlotte’s Perennial Gardens, Coffee Break, Mattole River Studios, Monica Coyne Artist Blacksmith, Randall Sand & Gravel, Whitethorn Construction, Ned Hardwood Construction, Pierson Building Center, Chautauqua Natural Foods, Dazey’s Supply, Madrone Realty, First Fig Gallery, Hohstadt’s Garden Center, Humboldt Bar & Grill, Roy Baker, O.D., Redwood Properties, Vella Wood Flooring, Wildberries Marketplace, Whitethorn Winery and Mattole Meadows

Sanctuary Forest is a land trust whose mission is to conserve the Mattole River watershed and surrounding areas for wildlife habitat and aesthetic, spiritual, and intrinsic values in cooperation with our diverse community.

* * *


The 3rd Annual Lake County Spring Fair will bring thrills, chills and.. Motorcycles!

The 1st Annual Motorcycle TT Race will be taking place Saturday June 13th. Witness the intense racing action from these skilled riders.   This race will include riders from all over the state challenging each other to show their skills, talent and finesse. Classes include: 250/ 450 Class, Vintage Open Class, 150 Lesser Air-Cooled 4-Stroke and 50cc Mini Class.

Gates will open at 2PM and the racing action starts at 5PM. The $5 gate entry fee includes all fair attractions and motocross.

Local Motorcycle racing is a family involved, community supported sport,. Racers grow up in this community. They learn fairness, they support each other and they cheer other racers on. Hillside Honda supports the local Motorsport community by their sponsorship of the racing season.

Racing promoter David Furia prides himself on family oriented racing. “I get a real charge out of seeing the youth of our community growing up on the race track.” Furia states. “These young racers get out there and put their heart into racing and get so excited just to be on the track. For them its not just about winning, its about racing!”

For the excitement of Motorcycle Racing and fair fun for the whole family, check out the racing action included in your 2015 Lake County Spring Fair Saturday June 13th!


  1. Eric Sunswheat June 5, 2015

    Absently in recent Sonoma Mendocino news, the US Supreme Court declined review of Graton Casino state fee land title transfer to federal recognition.

    Thus by default, the court inaction removed a cloud of uncertainty for the Pinoleville Pomo Nation, which is now enabled to move forward with construction of its unrelated new casino hotel gaming compact.

    The county property tax roll exempt parcel future construction could then become a mini mall & dtribal housing complex north of Ukiah, now that the damper on enthusiasm has been lifted from potential Asian investors, who may have been aware through their gaming attorneys of the now ended Graton litigation.

    Pinoleville tribal rolls are kept secret, and tribal members are added or discarded, seeming upon whim of the tribal council, whenever voted upon by the controlling family interestsd.

    Tribal membership does not necessarily correlate with blood or race or marital status, but seemingly as an arbitrary corporation with special privileges to bestow or revoke.


    (in part)
    “Law360, New York (May 26, 2015, 1:48 PM ET) — The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday declined review of a California appeals court’s holding that a 2000 federal statute granting the Federated Indians of the Graton Rancheria federal recognition divested the state’s historic territorial jurisdiction over their Sonoma County casino site.”

  2. Jane July 21, 2015

    I would like to express my greatest disappointment in the Mendocino County Criminal Court System pertaining to the recent arrest of CRAIG HILLMAN, Castleberry, Florida/Potter Valley. Pot cultivation, possession for sale, armed with firearm, ex-felon with firearm. Being a repetitive felon in Florida for the same items minus the weapons he comes to this community to commit the same crimes but added the fact that he is now armed make me feel that no one (innocent or not) will be safe in this area. It saddens me to know that this young people of this generation are lead to live a life of crime. I hope that Mendocino County reconsideration to move forward this case and make him an example to the rest of the young adult in this community that they don’t take things like this lightly.

  3. Jane October 8, 2015

    It saddens me to say that I’m so disappointed in the Judicial System in California for not trying and giving Craig Hillman the appropriate punishment for an Ex-Felon with a firearm. Last I knew this was federal offense and he should been given time in jail for having this charge. It’s just shows that our tax money is definitely hard at work in punishing the true law breakers of our society. Him being free now allows him to process in going to another state and doing the same that he was caught there. As a citizen I feel safe knowing that he’s running around with a gun and participating in the illegal drug word. Like I have always said if someone has gone to the extent of having a gun means they are either afraid of something bad is to happen or has moved to higher form of crime in this world. Watch out world and be diligent to what can happen when being in the wrong place and the wrong time.

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