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Letters To The Editor


Dear Editor,

I can't remember when the Manchester Union Elementary School District has had an election but lo and behold since I was asked to be a board member by not only a current board member but actually a retired board member and applied, I was the only one who applied. However, because of failure to follow protocol even though County Office of Education Superintendent Paul Tichinin was present at this meeting stating, “I am here only to see that protocol is followed,” they are going to election — costing the district $2,000.

Prior to receiving my sample ballot, I contacted (in the early part of August) the Mendocino County Elections Office and Terry Gross, Interim County Counsel to inform them that my opponent, Mary Beth Boyd, had written in her application for candidacy that she was a “retired school teacher” which is shy of the truth. Katrina Bartolomie's assistant in the Elections Office informed me (after speaking to Ms. Bartolomie) that I hadn't registered my complaint within the ten day requirement and until the elections were over there was nothing that could be done to change the ballot. She added that I would have to take it up with County Superintendent Tichinin following the elections.

I am sure he will do something about this after the fact when he does nothing when he actually has the facts!

Ms. Boyd was rehired immediately following her retirement with the Point Arena School District. She has been telling community members she actually makes more now that she is semi-retired than what she did while working full-time. Boyd was making over $54K a year without benefits. Ms. Boyd was paid $5,000 as an incentive for early retirement; she is receiving retirement funds and being paid a part-time salary by the Point Arena School District. She was/is a math teacher — I guess she did the math and went for the bigger bucks. However, the elementary school continues to be below proficiency State levels in math.

I’m not sure what to think!

I realize it is not a conflict of interest to work at one school district and serve on a board in another school district. However, there may be instances where Boyd should recuse herself from voting if something should arise that is a conflict of interest and I am sure she will.

I am running for the board position because I believe in a board member should be open, completely transparent and accountable to the community, teachers, parents and the students they serve. No matter what Tichinin may have up his sleeve, I will continue to be an advocate for our students and will not be deterred.


Susan Rush, Candidate

Manchester School Board




In last Sunday's Sunday voices column by Mark Rohloff in the Ukiah Daily Journal, we have a perfect example of the kind of throw-everything-at-the-anti-Obama-wall-and-see-what-sticks strategy that the Republicans are turning to in desperation as their vapid, idea-free candidate discovers that one has to do more than simply not be Barack Obama to unseat an incumbent president.

To respond to a few of the highly questionable criticisms of president Obama made in this opinion piece; first, the notion that Pres. Obama is somehow responsible for the tragic death of that ambassador of ours and the three other personnel who were recently killed in Benghazi, Libya; With the scores of thousands of personnel we have all over the Middle East, I seriously doubt that this or any other president can or should be micromanaging security staffing in thousands of different sites. Secondly, the article drags out the perennial trope that Obama is apologizing to our enemies for past transgressions. Well, any honest assessment of our history there has GOT to include a certain amount of contrition. Since at least '53 when the US made the fateful error of overthrowing the democratically elected, populist, secular government of Iran’s Mosadeq for British Petroleum, installing the ruthless Shah, way back when I was learning to walk, we have been supporting a rogues gallery of useful despots throughout the region. How does one NOT “apologize” somewhat for that dark history? Of course, the piece has got to bring up the supposed slighting of the out-of-control warmonger prime minister of Israel, Netanyahu, the man who France's Sarcozy was overheard telling Obama was a liar, and that he (Sarcozy) didn't believe a word that he said. One can hardly fault Obama for turning down an opportunity to meet with this boy who constantly cries wolf, when, in prior meetings, he had patronizingly lectured Obama in front of the media. The guy has been warning that Iran is six months away from a nuke for the last decade or two, without a shred of evidence that it’s so.

The column also criticizes the Obama administration for, “massive stimulus funding, (and) increased regulation"; for one thing, a graph of job losses over the last five or six years makes clear that the deluge of job loss that took place under the W administration got worse and worse right up until Obama took over, at which point the losses decreased steadily, eventually getting back to positive job growth. Virtually all economists agree that this would not have been possible without the federal government's significant stimulus funding. As for increased regulation, can anyone seriously argue that, after the ocean-killing BP oil spill, the corrupt mortgage housing bubble, and the multi-trillion dollar taxpayer bailout of an out-of-control Wall Street, that our problem is too MUCH regulation? Clearly, none of these things would have happened had there been robust federal oversight of these reckless enterprises.

It always puzzles me when right wingers, who’s core belief is that governments cannot create jobs; that only the private sector can do so, then pillory the (Democratic) president for not creating enough jobs! Clearly, it was Republican policies are what lost so many good jobs in the first place!


John Arteaga




Esteemed Editeur,

Such a gloomy aftermath for America, now perfectly aware that President Obama cannot incoherently stammer his way to victory over Romney next month. Maybe it's time for Democrats to hang it up, throw in the towel, and admit utter defeat. Even Rachel Maddow was reduced to unprecedented levels of semi apologetic babbling after the calamity, after which it took the Republican analyst Steve Schmidt only seconds to sum up the obvious result: that Romney had come off appearing far more Presidential than Obama.

Who would have expected Romney to attack Obama from the left, and seemingly defend Medicare and Medicaid better than Obama? It was almost as though Obama was compelled by some mysterious insidious force to hand over the victory to Romney on a silver platter, much in the same fashion that my personal hero on the golf course — Tiger Woods — can often be seen handing over victories to his opponents. After it's over, one would think, “Come on, Tiger, you could have done better than that!”

And so it was in the debate: Obama appeared so weak and handicapped compared to the skills he demonstrated four years ago against McCain. Has Obama met his match? The only thing that will keep me from voting for Romney is that I know that it would be totally insane for a working class person like myself to vote for a one-percenter like Romney, or for any other Republican.

So, I conclude with this plea to allow Obama to muddle through another four years, as the frying pan is doubtlessly no more uncomfortable than being dumped directly into the fire.

Ken Ellis

New Bedford, Massachussetts.



Dear Editor,

It is ironic that the political terms liberal and conservative today, in reality, mean the exact opposite of what they used to mean. I am to the left of Progressive, and I am a conservative.

I want to conserve the Bill of Rights, conserve freedom of religion and separation of church and state; conserve the middle class; conserve women’s reproductive rights; conserve racial equality, and so on. A liberal has traditionally been a person who wants to change things, to bring in something closer to utopia than what presently exists. It is quite liberal to expect and demand that a vocal minority impose its will on the majority. For example, banning 32oz sodas, and legislating voter ID laws, and privatizing social security and medicare. These would be big changes, changing what are now old things for what are now new things.

Romney and Ryan are not conservatives at all. They are liberals. We have to see the two terms anew. Obama is today’s conservative, trying to preserve the New Deal, preserve and it’s a redistribution of wealth downward, and so on.

If you think about it the Right wing has demonized the word liberal. They deserve to have it applied to them.

Lee Simon

Far ‘n Away Farm, Virginia








Two British mining Corporations, Rio Tinto and Anglo American are about to assault on Alaska’s natural heritage. These two global mining giants would gouge one of the world’s largest open pit mines,,the Pebble, out of Alaska’s incomparable Bristol Bay wilderness.

This colossal mine would be built at the very headwaters of our planet’s greatest wild salmon run rivers systems: the Kuechak and the Nushagat. Tens of millions of salmon course through this unspoiled wilderness, feeding bears, whales, seals, and eagles, as well as Alaskan native communities who have thrived here for thousands of years.

Look what will happen if these giant mining companies get their way:

*10 billion tons of mining waste laid with toxic chemicals will be spewed into the rivers polluting the rivers’ systems.

*$400 million in fishing revenues as well as thousands of jobs for Alaska’s working families would go down the drain.

*An earthen dam holding back billions of toxic waste would be one of the largest in the world, even dwarfing China's Three Gorges Dam.

Rio Tinto and Anglo American already have a reputation for one toxic disaster after another in Zimbabwe, Nevada, and South Africa.Lets not allow them to cause another one in Alaska!

Contact: Your Congress reps.

Denis McLerran Administrator EPA Region 10. (Mclerran,

Lisa P. Jackson,Administrator, Washington D.C. (

Also look at:


Gerald F. Cox

Navarro, California



Mr. Anderson:

Here is the status of my business with the U.S. Post office as of 6 October 2012:

November Harper’s: Not yet received.

Last issue of AVA received: September 20th.

Issues of Counterpunch in arrears: At least two, maybe three.

El País, Sunday edition: Last issue received — 26 August 2012. Subscription renewal confirmed 24 September 2012.

Package sent to Spain 24 September 2012: Not received as of 6 October 2012.

I asked my excellent mail person, Curtis, about the problem. He says the situation is not good: Distribution centers are being closed, personnel reassigned, longer days for mail carriers, packages and periodicals piling up at those distribution centers still open.

Looks like the postal system is headed towards the same place as our health care system and public education. Our rulers need the money for their imperial wars and to provide tax cuts for you know who.

Does anyone know where I could link up with a North American Fidel Castro? I’m old, but can still fire a gun.

¡No pasarán!

Louis ‘Che’ Bedrock

Roselle, New Jersey



Dear Editor,

I am a member of Occupy Mendocino working to stop home foreclosures and urge you to print this press release so that the public may be alerted to solutions like eminent domain which CJ Holmes will explain at the Town Hall Meeting if there is enough public awareness to schedule a meeting on the coast or in the county.

Please contact CJ Holmes at


Agnes Woolsey



Attached: “Foreclosure Town Halls” Bring Solutions To Foreclosure Crisis — Foreclosure Town Halls are attracting intense interest in California. Their originator and moderator, C.J. Holmes, is pushing to take them national. Founder of Home Owners For Justice — — Holmes is racing to keep up, as her campaign takes off like wildfire. “Just in California,” she says, “there are over a hundred thousand homes at immediate risk of foreclosure before the end of 2012. Families face appalling stress, not knowing where their next home will be, their kid’s school, neighborhood, or even where they'll lay their heads. This is a foreclosure crisis that's still at full speed, already having uprooted more than one million American children.” Holmes is an independent real-estate broker in Santa Rosa. Every day she is witness to immense pain as people's work of a lifetime and their homes are taken from them by a banking and financial sector that has lost all contact with reality and any concept of lawful and ethical business practice. “I'm angry and disgusted at the ruthlessness of the banks, mortgage companies and gangs of complicit politicians and bureaucrats,” she says. “At the same time, I'm shaken to the core by the predicaments of people caught in this giant swindle. I deal with them daily, and they're in shock!” “We don't have to take this! In spite of the off-and-on nature of public interest and the media’s short attention span, we still have a trillion-dollar, super-grand-larceny going on, right in our faces, and people need to know that we the people — as an organized group — can jam a monkey wrench into the machinery that's doing this to us AND reclaim our destiny.” “That's what Foreclosure Town Halls are for,” says Holmes. “This bank-and-government swindle is not too complicated to understand, and neither are the solutions, like the use of eminent domain, to name just one.” Getting to the heart of the matter is much quicker and easier with an experienced guide. That’s where Holmes excels, knowing exactly the right questions to ask distressed homeowners to identify the cheating they are subjected to and how they can successfully challenge it. “Everybody who attends these Foreclosure Town Halls will hear concrete proposals publicly discussed. They get solid step-by-step information on how to regain control of their future, including help in deciding who they should elect to represent them in these matters. Everyone should contact their county and city officials and demand they attend these public forums as part of their sworn fiduciary duty and obligation to the community.” A Foreclosure Town Hall is scheduled October 13, 2012 from 1-4pm in San Bernardino, in partnership with Rhema Economic Research and Development, a local non-profit similarly dedicated to helping solve the mortgage crisis. San Bernardino County officials have formally requested foreclosure solution proposals. The public discussion of these solutions is vital for every member of the community. Contact C.J. Holmes to schedule a Foreclosure Town Hall in your community.




Today the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association filed a class action lawsuit to provide relief to nearly one million California property owners who received bills from the State for a new “fire prevention fee” which the lawsuit claims is illegal.

The class action complaint, filed last week in Superior Court in Sacramento, seeks to overturn the fire fee, which costs property owners an additional $150 per year for each habitable structure on their property. The class action names plaintiffs from Kern County, Mendocino County, Calaveras County, Butte County, San Bernardino County, Solano County, San Luis Obispo County, El Dorado County, and Lassen County, who together represent a cross-section of the roughly 825,000 property owners subject to the new fee.

As the state’s largest taxpayers’ association, HJTA is challenging the constitutionality of the fee on the grounds it is really a tax that needed a two-thirds vote in the Legislature to pass, but garnered only a bare majority and therefore never became law.

The complaint was filed against the California Department of Forestry and the Board of Equalization, as the two agencies responsible for identifying owners of the parcels subject to the new tax and collecting the tax, respectively. If the class action suit is successful, approximately 825,000 homeowners could be eligible for refunds.

This tax was dreamed up by politicians in Sacramento who are so desperate for revenue that they were willing to ram this through the Legislature without the proper two-thirds vote. The fire tax is a direct violation of Prop. 13. It is our goal to overturn this tax, prevent the politicians from taking more money from hardworking people for a program they were already paying for, and help taxpayers to get a refund from the government.

To be eligible for a refund, property owners must first pay their bill, then file a protest with the State. HJTA has established a website that shows how to protest the fee and provides the necessary forms. Property owners can also sign up for free e-mail bulletins that will keep them informed of the progress of the class action suit.

Thank you for visiting is a project of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, California's largest and most effective taxpayer rights organization.

Best Regards,

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association for the Team



To the community:

Thank you to each of the 123 lucky persons who on Sunday September 30th enjoyed an amazing dinner prepared by Jose´ Galicia and Libby Favela for the benefit of the Anderson Valley ElderHome. Many are probably still remembering the chicken poblano or the ribs marinated in achiote adobo or perhaps dreaming of the ribeye steak with tomatillo molcajete. ‘Over the top’ is the description that comes to mind.

Thanks to Belma Rhoades patiently leading the volunteer wait staff; Carey Sanchez, Christina Jones, Patty Liddy, Sharon Jones and Anne Bennett — two seatings were completed in four hours. Impossible to have accomplished without the kitchen magic of Jose´ and Libby and the kitchen staff, Ivone Gastelum and Olga Medina.

Knez Winery, Balo, Claudia Springs, Bink and Navarro provided the libations served by volunteers Nancy Wood, Jill Hannum and Alice Bonner.

Steve Sparks and Aaron Weintraub provided the entertaining contribution encouragement and bestowed the evening door prizes provided by Roederer and Handley on the lucky winners.

Because of the skill and talent of Jose´and Libby, this scrumptious dinner was enjoyed by all. Because of their incredible generosity, all of the proceeds, almost $6,000, will go toward the construction of the ElderHome. A very special thank you to Jose´ and Libby and Belma.

Also appreciation to Justin Rhoades who tirelessly helped set up and breakdown and to all the volunteers and the wineries that helped to make this happen.

Again thank you to all who came and ate and supported the ElderHome.

The Anderson Valley ElderHome Board of Directors: Maureen Bowman, Nancy Wood, Aaron Weintraub, Steve Krieg, Karen Ottoboni, Dave Papke

Anderson Valley




Most of your got letters telling you that you owe the State of California the sum of $150 to some and $115 to others per household because you are not in an incorporated town. In other words the fantastically efficient state of California is taking over the fire protection of unincorporated areas of the State of California. Therefore all the following towns and areas outside of Point Arena, Fort Bragg, Ukiah and Willits are being taken over by big brother. I am sure that all of these towns have some sort of fire departments: Gualala, Manchester, Elk, Albion, Mendocino, Hopland, Potter Valley, Redwood Valley, Anderson Valley, Laytonville and Leggett Valley. Apparently the state feels that all these fire departments don’t know anything about firefighting, so they are taking it over. Imagine, it’s not only Mendocino County, but the whole state. But now we can close them all and get our taxes back we pay to run them.

There is one problem. The best fire protection is to have someone close by who knows just a little something about putting a fire out. When a fire starts, and they usually start small, a hose, some sand or other simple things will put out small fires. Millions of fires are put out because someone was close. Even in any large city like San Francisco where the response time is minutes, they have very big fires.

I suppose since the state spent millions on the new fire station in Anderson Valley and probably a billion on new fire stations over the state, which the state didn’t need since the state has no money, now they have to recoup that money. It’s probably illegal since Prop 13. And Jerry Brown promised that there has to be a vote of the public for any new tax.

How about some of the other state projects like Sonoma State College which is another state agency spending $40 million (plus) to build a concert hall for the rich. Who will use it? This is not a slam of the rich who probably earn it, but if they want another concert hall, they should pay for it, not with college funds. I know, they say this is not taxpayer money (baloney).

Every year student tuition goes up way past inflation and students go out with monumental debts, on the advice of colleges. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. This was simple a monument to Chancellor Ruben Armiñana. Then we always hear about the bare-bones budget.

Emil Rossi




Esteemed Editeur,

Such a gloomy aftermath for America, now perfectly aware that President Obama cannot incoherently stammer his way to victory over Romney next month. Maybe it's time for Democrats to hang it up, throw in the towel, and admit utter defeat. Even Rachel Maddow was reduced to unprecedented levels of semi apologetic babbling after the calamity, after which it took the Republican analyst Steve Schmidt only seconds to sum up the obvious result: that Romney had come off appearing far more Presidential than Obama. Who would have expected Romney to attack Obama from the left, and seemingly defend Medicare and Medicaid better than Obama? It was almost as though Obama was compelled by some mysterious insidious force to hand over the victory to Romney on a silver platter, much in the same fashion that my personal hero on the golf course — Tiger Woods — can often be seen handing over victories to his opponents. After it's over, one would think, ‘Come on, Tiger, you could have done better than that!’ And so it was in the debate: Obama appeared so weak and handicapped compared to the skills he demonstrated four years ago against McCain. Has Obama met his match? The only thing that will keep me from voting for Romney is that I know that it would be totally insane for a working class person like myself to vote for a one-percenter like Romney, or for any other Republican. So, I conclude with this plea to allow Obama to muddle through another four years, as the frying pan is doubtlessly no more uncomfortable than being dumped directly into the fire.

Ken Ellis,

New Bedford, Massachussetts




RE-ELECTION ADVICE TO PRESIDENT OBAMA: Go After the Baby Boomer Vote — Kent State Matters to Baby Boomers

Last week's presidential debates President Obama had a lot on his mind, obviously concerned about his re-election yet maybe something else was going on behind the scenes in American leadership.

Offering President Obama a remarkable leadership opportunity that will ENSURE his re-election ~ Stand for BABY BOOMERS: Take the HISTORIC, CRITICAL, TIMELY & HUMANE route!

Mr. President, Go After, Woo & Earn the BABY BOOMER VOTE ~ Presto, chango.

Baby Boomer demographics cut across every socio-economic group, from wealthy to homeless, representing slightly more than one-fourth of the U.S. population.

Even though now moving into their 'golden years' many Baby Boomers are at the top of their game, remaining in positions of authority & control.

Baby Boomers continue to hold in their heart the hope of a more just & harmonious America. After all, AMERICAN BABY BOOMERS created the Woodstock Nation, the American anti-war movement along with shepherding in our electronic, social media age.

ENSURE your re-election by following this simple & morally-ethical election suggestion:


Baby Boomers felt it personally when four peacefully protesting students were murdered, nine wounded by US government gunfire at Kent State on May 4, 1970.

Immediately following Kent State, many Baby Boomers were forced to flee & go underground from the FBI waging this anti-peace battle at Kent State. After government forces shot us down at Kent State & Jackson State, the FBI hunted us down for years.

More about this from Neil Young's new book, Waging Heavy Peace:

“So anyway, we're in Butano Canyon at Steve and Leo's place, and the tragedy at Kent State had just happened. Time magazine had a picture of the girl, Allison Krause, after the National Guard had killed her and three other victims. We were looking at it together. She was lying there on some pavement with another student kneeling down looking at her, as I remember.

These people were our audience. That's exactly who we were playing for. It was our movement, our culture, our Woodstock generation. We were all one. It was a personal thing, the bond we held between the musicians and the people of the culture: hippies, students, flower children, call them what you will.

We were all together.

The weight of that picture cut us to the quick. We had heard and seen the news on TV, but this picture was the first time we had to stop and reflect. It was different before the internet, before social networking, to say the least. So full of this feeling of disbelief and sadness. I picked up my guitar and started to play some chords and immediately wrote Ohio; four dead in Ohio. The next day, we went into the studio in LA and cut the song. Before a week had passed it was all over the radio. It was really fast for those times; really fast. All the stations played Ohio. There was no censoring by programmers. Programming services were not even around; DJs played whatever they wanted on the FM stations. We were underground on FM. There was no push-back for criticizing the government. This was America. Freedom of speech was taken very seriously in our era. We were speaking for our generation. We were speaking for ourselves. It rang true. The US government has still not apologized to the families of the fallen four of Ohio.

The band has gotten together for other political causes over the years, and I enjoy it. It's always fun to hear the singing and feel the love and respect, and there is a lot of that. During the Iraq war, when CSNY went on the road singing the songs of my latest album, Living with War, and a collection of older songs that reflected politics and American life, we had a sense of the old purpose. But things had changed; we split our audience in half with that music rather than bringing it together. It was a sign of the times. We have been through a lot together: the Summer of Love, hell, distrust and hurt. Life. When we play now, our audience still feels it, like a candle that is flickering, like a sun that is setting. A fog is rolling in.

It is really all of our lives together.”

WATCH an extraordinary slideshow narrative from Neil Young's new book, WAGING HEAVY PEACE, with emphasis on the May 4th Kent State massacre of 1970.

Mr. President, GUARANTEE your re-election by IMMEDIATELY OPENING an impartial investigation into the new evidence at Kent State.

Baby Boomers DEMAND Truth & Justice at Kent State!

Kent State: Was It About Civil Rights or Murdering Student Protesters? from 'Censored 2013: Dispatches from the Media Revolution'

Last year this time as #Occupy protesters faced violence from the state & law enforcement for PROTESTING, many Baby Boomers were aghast at what we saw, also realizing that our generational nightmare was getting ready to re-occur. No More Kent States

Peace & Justice,

Laurel Krause

Mendocino coast




Did you watch the Presidential Debate? I don't think so. I'm not really a big fan of all those phony “reality” shows. Corporate Puppet A and Corporate Puppet B arguing over which of them is best equipped to defend and sustain the status quo hardly constitutes a political debate. A debate, by definition, requires opposing positions. Until Tweedle-Me and Tweedle-Mine are compelled to share the stage with the likes of a Ron Paul (not a safe option, but at least an opposing perspective) and socialist Stewart Alexander, it's just your over-the-counter State approved Zombie Theater for the thinking impaired.

Tuning in only helps to enable the continuing suppression of authentic political process. Turn it off until they provide substantive debate.

Michael DeLang

Golden, Colorado



Dear Editor,

Remember: Republicans don’t lie! They merely suffer from genetic bifurcated cognition affliction. Aggravated by severe kleptomanical greed.

Dr. Genteman Bob Pritchard

Clow Ridge, Philo



Dear Pot Head,

Oops, sounds like someone got their toes steppd on last week. Feelings hurt, Hamburg?

Hmmm. Bizarre delusions, paranoia, marked personality change, denial of obvious problems, out of touch with reality, strange ideas, social withdrawal and isolation even from family, increased irritability and anger, uncharacteristically poor judgment, risk-taking behavior, and and hostility out of proportion to the situation. Sounds like every junkie I’ve ever known. Surely you can confirm most of these as our “reigning pot supervisor,” can’t you?

Wanna keep my job so I’ll remain,




One Comment

  1. October 14, 2012

    Holy journalism, Batman! What a great pile of letters, here. Laurel Krause is on a great and righteous mission, bless ‘er, and deserves all the attention and support we can muster. We need desperately to discourage and discontinue the practice of ‘authorities’ shooting down people in our streets, murdering them then lying about the acts. These acts are no less criminal for being parts of a tradition. Similar acts of ‘policy’ were committed at the draft riots in NY during the War Between the States; the Ford strikes; the Pullman strikes; Ludlow, Colorado, and various other coal strikes. And none of this is a great surprise to the peoples of North America’s First Nations, African Americans, the folks in the Philippines, Central and South Americas, and so on and on…The habit of ‘authorities’ of mowing down innocent people has in fact made North America the drive-by shooting of civilizations. These stellar examples of ‘official’ behavior have had, and still have consequences reaching far beyond their immediate criminal circumstances. Having presented the savage example that under certain extreme conditions, it’s alright to murder people, how can there be any doubt that lesser groups and even individuals would then concur and themselves engage in such clearly unlawful actions? Where do you think wacko mass-shootings get their inspiration? Where do you think terrorism itself comes from? How could the 1953 destruction of Iran’s elected government by U.S. ‘covert operators’ not be included in this gallery of homicidal lunacy? How could these trends not contribute to lawlessness and chaos just about everywhere? And not least, why have these questions not been answered or even asked by our esteemed ‘public servants,’ paid and sworn and repeatedly elected exactly to do so? Just wondering, again, quite sincerely, rw.

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