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Posts tagged as “nation”

Money in Politics

Last week, in the McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission case, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the opinion for the narrow (5-4) majority that "Money in…

Farm To Farm

Country inhabitants of the Ohio river valley have endured the most arduous winter in memory, at least for people 77 years and younger. While the…

O Five Charlie

We were surrounded by southerners at Fort Gordon. I disliked them. I resented their diabolical ability to exploit my chauvinistic northern prejudices about them and shuck me repeatedly.

Mountain Outin’ To Yellowstone

There’s no sensation like being rocked to sleep in a berth on AMTRAK as the miles fly by to put a relaxing end to a…

Kilroy Was There

Snow speckled Middle Street in the North End during the last week of February. Near Mr. Pemberton's meeting house boys were pelting the dry goods…

Google Money

If you google “money,” the search engine called Google, from which that verbification is derived, will tell you that there are 1.12 billion results (as…
