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Posts published in “Day: March 22, 2017

Letters (March 22, 2017)

I am writing this to say what a shame it is that we have no decent doctors in the town of Ukiah. Where are any good doctors here in Ukiah? One who cares, really cares about their patients or anybody that walks through their doors, that follows through to make sure you get the care you need.

Going Bananas

In Woody Allen’s movie Bananas, one of Woody’s earlier, funnier films, there is a scene in which the leader of a successful rebellion in a…

Greg Sarris! Live!

Call Greg Sarris an anomaly, or maybe call him emblematic of the cultural crosscurrents of our age. Raised in a white, middle class family in…

Ongoing Trouble at Coast Hospital

On March 16th Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) abandoned all plans to convert to a “Hospital Fee Structure” when it became clear that there was…

Planning Commission Faces Irrational Agenda

The City Manager, in just over one month, has launched a focused assault on the long formulated and widely discussed community vision for the development…

Probationers On Parade

Mr. Isaiah Bennett requested a hearing to determine if he’d violated his probation. This wasn’t the first time he’d violated it, and Judge Ann Moorman…

The Amber Universe

It’s possible that Borges learned from Oscar Wilde, or perhaps from Bernard Shaw, that to achieve fame, one ingenious, malevolent, surprising, paradoxical, polemical sentence that angers the official representatives of culture is sufficient.

Valley People (March 22, 2017)

IN A VIRTUALLY secret big name bicycle event two Saturdays ago, the renowned Lance Armstrong and 275 pro bikers raced from Anderson Valley High School,…
