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Posts published in “News”

County Notes: Another Big Insult From The Supervisors

In your face, Board critics: Supervisors to raise their own salaries again. From $96k per year to $111k per year! Almost 12% over an already very high salary. Item 4c on next Tuesday’s Board Agenda:…

Criminal Trial Of Auditor/Payroll Manager Stalls Over Emails

District Attorney David Eyster’s high profile criminal prosecution of the elected Auditor of Mendocino County ground to a halt Tuesday, its outcome hinging on another hearing next week focused on thousands of disputed internal emails…

Gieringer Honored

Marijuana was for sale at the California State Fair this year — a historic first that drew camerapersons from Reuters and two other news outlets. On Friday, July 12, Dale Gieringer, the longtime director of…

Willits Man Honored For Rescue Of Couple On Snowy Summit

A Willits man and a fellow Caltrans employee received medals of valor recently for a rescue they performed on a snowy summit in northern Mendocino County, where they convinced a couple to leave their stuck…

Bad Timing, Bad Optics, Bad Idea For Supes Pay Raise

I’m going to try to keep this piece short. Personally, I don’t care much about what the Supervisors pay themselves (assuming it’s within a reasonable range of reality) but I do care about the job…

Special Prosecutor Voices Concerns About Missing County Emails

An outside special prosecutor hired to press a felony criminal charge against suspended Mendocino County Auditor Chamise Cubbison is joining defense attorneys in questioning conflicting County accounts surrounding internal emails, and how they might jeopardize…

Missing E-Mails Found; Could Be Key To Cubbison Case

Thousands more official county emails thought destroyed or corrupted have been recovered, further ensnarling a pending criminal case against Mendocino County’s elected Auditor and a former county payroll manager. At a hearing on Thursday Superior…
