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Posts published in “News”

Water & Sewer In Boonville

Last Thursday evening two engineers from Brelje & Race, Consulting Civil Engineers out of Sonoma County, met with a group of local folks calling themselves the Boonville Planners. The engineers are Dave Coleman and Jack…

Student Art

[May 20] The name of this year's AV student art show "Out Of This World" can be taken many ways, but I'd hoped to encourage the thought that we all come from the same place,…

Wildlife Management

[May 20] Woodlands Wildlife will be giving a free presentation on Humane Exclusion--how to get and keep wildlife out of our gardens, crawlspaces, attics, walls and homes in a humane way (i.e. without using poisons…

Monitor Outlet Creek

[May 20] The Eel River Recovery Project invites the interested public to the kick off 2017 Outlet Creek monitoring on the morning of May 20 at 10 AM at the Willits Hub at 630 S…

Corporate Power

[May 20] Move to Amend Mendocino is presenting a half day workshop on the Timeline of Personhood Rights and Powers with David Cobb, who helped develop the timeline. Saturday, May 20, 9-1 at Willits Center…

Customer Appreciation

[May 19] Anderson Valley Farm Supply’s big Customer Appreciation Day will be May 19th from 9:00am-6:00pm at their popular store in Philo. Food, drinks and Farm Supply vendors with samples. And a raffle!

Poetry Celebration

[May 14] 42nd Anniversary, Mendocino Spring Poetry Celebration at the Hill House in Mendocino town on the coast, Sunday May 14. This event draws some 40 poets from northern California and beyond. Two open readings: afternoon and…

Salad University

[May 14] We invite you to join us for Mother's day learning about cultivated and wild plants for salad, smoothies, chips, breads, and other delicious and nutritious foods.  For the entire day and two meals,…
