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Posts published in “News”

Songs for Shelter

[Jan 19] Brenda Hall will be playing Songs for Shelter on the hammered dulcimer at the Ravens restaurant in beautiful Stanford Inn by the Sea (44850 Comptche Ukiah Road, Mendocino, CA 95460, 707-937-5615) this Friday,…

Bird’s Eye View (Dec. 27, 2017)

Well that’s Christmas/Whatever-you-call-it “done and dusted” and now on to Act 2: New Year’s Eve! Try to enjoy yourselves and if someone is behaving badly just smile and walk away. You know it makes sense.…

Supervisor Haschack?

In the days before the Brown Act passed in 1953, men (and of course they were all men) ran for County supervisor primarily to make sure that their friends and neighbors got fair (or preferential)…

Off the Record (Dec. 27, 2017)

THE SUPERVISORS, in a move that would pay them almost twice as much as the average private sector Mendo working person, voted 4-1 Monday to raise their annual salaries from $61,200 to a startling $85,500, starting next…

Branding Fort Bragg

The Fort Bragg City Council met at Town Hall last Monday night in another meeting running to the legal maximum of 10pm. From the outset, it looked ominously like it was going to be a…

Lamb Workshop

[Jan 18] California Wool Growers Association (CWGA) is hosting four interactive workshops focusing on improving lamb marketing and quality as well as producer profitability by applying innovative management practices and technologies. Topics to be discussed…

Fire Recovery Meeting

[Jan 17] Rebuilding 101 and Trees/Vegetation Management – On January 17, 2018, the Mendocino County Fire Recovery Team will hold a community meeting to support fire survivors impacted by the Redwood Complex Fire. The County…

Teen Book Club

Bibliotherapy Book Club for Teens (12-18) meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 4pm: January 16th February 20th March 20th April 17th May 15th June 19th July 17th Sept. 18th Oct. 16th Nov. 20th Dec.…
