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Supervisors Pay Panel Wraps Up

Do they deserve more money? Should it be put to a vote? Does the law say only the Grand Jury has the authority to raise the pay of the five-person Mendocino County Board of Supervisors?…

Bigger Than the S&L Bailout: Why Prop 9 Should Pass

Californians have a chance not only to do themselves a lasting favor on November 3, the can also defeat a particularly outrageous piece of corporate piracy before it ends up costing the nation more than…

Hooked on Horses

This story is about race horses. That means each horse has two names. I tried to use just one name per horse to keep it simple. I figured the registered name would be best but…

Artist of Empire

What would Art be without a theory and practice of plunder? It's no accident that the greatest artistic achievements of the Athenians coincided with their imperial project. Or consider the Romans, whose legions hauled back…

The Garbage Wars: A New Front

Right after the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Republic under the Sky-God for which it stands, County Administrator Mike Scannell introduced Roger Wong, the new head of the county’s personnel department, who…

The Night of the Long Knives (July 29, 1998)

“Well,” I heard a male voice behind me say, “looks like the passive-aggressives are out in force tonight,” as we arrived at the Philo headquarters of KZYX, Mendocino County’s more or less public radio station…

Kid Killers

Once again a disturbed child has taken weapons to school in order to kill. The Oregon media is now filled with commentators airing analyses and theories on why it happened and how to prevent further…
