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A Story of Opening Day

There is no better beginning to a week than watching a baseball game, and there is no better baseball game than Opening Day, that mythic beast full of bunting and beer and overpriced peanut shells…

Doing It for the Kids

Gov. Gray Davis “steered public schooling in a decidedly pro-business direction yesterday” with his appointment of Donald Fisher, big daddy of The Gap, Inc., to the California Board of Education. So wrote SF Chronicle reporter…

Freud, Zionism, and Vienna

This is a parable worth a few lines here, although it derives from a rather peculiar personal experience of mine which has attracted unusual, if undeserved, media and public attention. Ordinarily, I don't use myself…

Confessions of a Riot Tourist

It is early afternoon in downtown Seattle on November 30, 1999. Inside the Washington State Convention Center, capitalist investors and government bureaucrats at the World Trade Organization Ministerial are

Deus Ex Machina

Despite the most beautiful of intentions I find myself a victim once more to idealized conceptions of time and space, the meaning of life, freshly baked sweet fluffs. With a six-pack of Michelob someone left…

A Story I Didn’t Write and Why I Didn’t Write It

“I’m calling because I’m desperate,” she said. “I know you write stories like this.” The caller explained herself. “I have a woman friend in Brooktrails,” she began. “She has a brand-new baby and has become…

Abe Osheroff Interview

A veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Abe Osheroff, 85, talks to AVA editor Bruce Anderson about fighting the fascists in Spain, communism, and the rewards of social activism. How long have you been out…
