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Posts published in “News”

Ukiah Gun Show

[Oct 13, 14] Displaying shotguns, rifles, handguns, scopes, knives, shooting supplies, ammunition, reloading equipment, gun cases, pistol & rifle magazines, military surplus, collector items, archery, fishing supplies, safes, custom handmade gun cabinets, wild game jerky,…

Mindfulness Meditation

[Oct 13] Mindfulness Meditation Group of the Mendocino Coast is meeting Thursday, October 13th at 7 PM. Mindfulness meditation is based on the four "mindfulnesses” as taught by Master Ji Ru abbot of Mid American…


[Oct 12, 13] The largest street fair in Mendocino County is held each fall in the month of October. Along with a variety of delicious foods, the streets of downtown Ukiah are filled with craft…

County Notes (Sep. 26, 2018)

The Ghost of Tom Mitchell seems to be hovering anew over the Supervisors Chambers in Ukiah. Mitchell, long-time readers may recall, was Mendo’s CEO before they hired Carmel Angelo, a registered nurse by training. Mitchell…

Off the Record (Sep. 26, 2018)

THE 9th U.S. CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS has ruled that it's unconstitutional to ban homeless people from sleeping on the streets. “Just as the state may not criminalize the state of being ‘homeless in public…

Day of the Dead

[Oct 12] On Friday from 3-4:30pm the Mendocino County Library, Ukiah Branch is hosting an afternoon to celebrate día de los muertos (day of the dead). Children and their families are invited to stop by…

The Big Week

This is a mighty week for politics in Fort Bragg. Bright and early Monday morning the conference room in City Hall was packed with officials. The City Attorney and Councilmen were leaning forward to wrestle…

Assault at the Sunrise

The homeless camps in Ukiah are not far off the beaten path. The beaten path, for those who have never been homeless in Ukiah, goes from the Community Center on North State Street, over to…

Off the Record (Sep. 19, 2018)

MICHAEL SLAUGHTER has died, just as he said he was going to do in his final message to us. 
A long-time subscriber all the way back to the 1980s, Michael had sent us an email that said, "Today I die. Thank you for the decades together. Michael Slaughter.”
