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Posts published in “News”

Economic Vitality

[Nov 6] An economic vitality meeting will be held on November 6, 2018, from 1:30-3:30 pm at the County Board of Supervisors chambers at 501 Low Gap Road, Ukiah CA. The County of Mendocino Executive…

Election Watch

[Nov 6] Looking for the live election results? Come down to the Mendocino Hotel on election night and watch them with your friends and neighbors. Will be showing results on 4 TV's with a different…

Broadband Meeting

[Nov 6] Yahel Ben-David, the president of Further Reach, which is one of the companies that provide internet services on the Coast from a small section of Albion south to Gualala will be speaking about…

Our $225k Bargain Basement CEO

With Supervisor/Board Chair Dan Hamburg calling Mendocino County CEO Carmel Angelo “a bargain,” and Supervisor John McCowen saying she deserves a raise because she’s been underpaid for years and she’s got great contacts and she almost single-handedly got some money from the State for the post fire disaster over-excavation reimbursement of upwards of 100 burned out home-owners (which should have been caught a lot sooner if they’d listened to Lee Howard when he first pointed out what was happening, and was the absolute minimum she could do under the circumstances), the Board of Supervisors unanimously (Supervisor Carre Brown wasn’t in attendance but she certainly would have voted Yes too) approved CEO Carmel Angelo’s huge automatic pay raises over the next four years in four steps to $225,000 a year plus equivalently generous perks, followed by a comparably giant pension for the rest of her life.

Off the Record (Oct. 10, 2018)

RANDOM OBSERVATIONS: What we need in this country is project czars. Remember the contractor guy hired to rebuild the LA freeway after the last big quake? The state told him to get it done, that…

Seven Candidates for Coast Hospital Board

It was standing room only at the Fort Bragg Senior Center on October 1. The League of Women Voters (LWV) hosted a meet and greet for the seven candidates running for one of the four…

Salad University

[Nov 4] Sunday, 11:45-4 Pacific Standard Time: Growing and Eating on the Wild Side, AKA Salad University, Floodgate Farm in Redwood Valley. Learn about and make thistle drink, wild chips, and the famous floral and…

Hand & Glove Must Fit

Appears I somewhat influenced the county into somewhat enforcing its cannabis ordinance. At the Sept 11 BOS meeting, Planning and Building Dept. staff delivered a report on enforcement. Highlights from the report noted that: •…
