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Posts published in “News”

Longevity/Vitality Class

[Jan 19] Come learn how to increase your life expectancy by applying lifestyle choices gleaned from the longest lived communities (Blue Zones) in the world Saturday January 19, 26, February 2, 16, 23 and March…

Leaks In the Roof; Fingers In the Dike

In the Air Force we used to call formal presentations that left out key pieces of information “incomplete staff work.” It certainly applies to the Powerpoint Presentation coming up at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting.

Pot Crop Talk

Casey of O'Neil, local pot grower/rep, speaking at last week’s Supervisors meeting: “We would love to see cannabis included in the crop report

Author Talk

[Jan 19] With Susan Avery Stewart: "Winter's Graces: The Surprising Gifts of Later Life" 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Gallery Bookshop. Open to the public. More information at 707.937.2665 or

Valley People (Dec. 19, 2018)

Christmas lights are merrily blinking out against winter’s glomming everywhere in the Anderson Valley. So far, I’d say Boont Berry Farm’s display is the most spectacular, modest though it is.

Bill Moores, Again

When my father retired to Irish Beach in the mid-80s after a 40 year career in the dairy industry, he naively assumed he could live out the rest of his life in modest comfort with my mother in Irish Beach

Crab Feed

[Jan 19] Among our many blessings right here in Boonville are our annual crab feeds, which also serve as annual meet and greets for lots of people we don't get to see very often. This…

Mural Artist

[Jan 19] On Saturday from 10 am to noon, members of the public will have a chance to meet Lauren Sinnott, the Point Arena-based artist currently at work on Ukiah: Past, Present, Future, a block-long…
