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Postmark: Boonville

Boonville is the largest of four tiny settlements in the twenty-mile-long Anderson Valley. It has two things going for it; it’s very beautiful and it’s…

Trivia, Trivia

Rock and Roll Trivia — This may be the most trivial bit of rock and roll trivia there is. Everyone knows what a “groupie” is;…

Tears, Circles and Other Water Sources

Even though the March 18th discussion and action on the County’s policy for a water requirement for a single family dwelling building permit was timed…

The Toxic Bank

Why be concerned about Big Timber and arrogant public agencies (e.g., Caltrans) use of toxins? For me, it started as friends and clients in areas…

The Consensus Scam

While the gap between the very rich and the rest of us continues to widen, “common ground,” “bi-partisanship,” “cooperation,” “consensus,” and “accommodation,” have become the…

Margaret Atwood and the Rules of Writing

I haven’t read a novel for three or four years. It came to a point where I’d get halfway through a book, see the formula…

The Permit Streamlining Masquerade

I dropped by the County's new addition to Ukiah's “vast air-conditioned nightmare created by pre-human or sub-human monsters in a delirium of greed” known as…

The Fourth World War

We're in the mountains of Southeast Mexico in the Lacandon Jungle of Chiapas and we want to use this medium with the help of the…
