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When a Winery Kills

Behind the serene vistas of the Northcoast's wine country exists a highly mechanized, chemically-dependent, industrial production process as hazardous to the people who make wine…


A very big rig truck pulls up in front of a very small Boonville store every Thursday morning about 11. The truck and trailer are…

Anatomy of a 49er Look-See

As I wrote in the March 15 paper, this reporter and Logger Head Coach Jerry Philbrick and Logger defensive coordinator Dan Kuny had phoned our…

Manhunt: Anderson Pursues His Demon

A near-murder mystery, passionate in a leisurely sort of way, is being played out month by month, week by week here on California's North Coast.…

The Eel River, Then & Now

The very first day I saw this River I made myself a promise that I would buy myself a site on the bank of it. …

Q&A with Mike Sweeney

Dear Mike Sweeney, Thank you for your prompt response. Here are my questions. I've left a space after each one. If you need more space,…

Other People’s Messes

I have known people who seem to live in absolutely pristine surroundings. I visualize them spending every waking hour pulling weeds, moving heavy objects around,…

Valley People (March 1, 2000)

THE SUPERVISORS will hear the appeal of Gary and Phyllis Kaliher for a full-bore winery at the top of the Holmes Ranch on Tuesday, March…
