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Parks, Parking & Trike Paths

Our Recreation Committee plans to apply for tobacco settlement money to "support park development" at our community space adjacent to the Health Center in Boonville.…

Imbecilic Tedium

The presidential campaign plummeted into imbecilic tedium last night in Nashville as Barack Obama and John McCain faced off in the second debate. The encounter…

Railroading Rexrode: Fish & Game Goes Hunting

Four hours after Russell Rexrode handed a month-old mountain lion cub to a Fish and Game warden, he was arrested for having it. But, as…

Bums, Budgets, Bumblers & Other Busts

Last Tuesday's Supervisors Board combined discussion of a fresh set of catastrophes with a discussion of catastrophes carried over from the August 26th meeting. The…


Three years ago the County's budget had already grown to $187 million. There was the usual ritualistic rhetoric about belt-tightening, cut-backs and general austerity, but…

Getting Away With It

In recent months, the Mendocino County District Attorney has prosecuted a Fort Bragg man for saving a mountain lion cub, put a Little River man…

Deconstructing Glenda

Last Wednesday, there was an article in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat entitled "North Coast water plan greeted with howls," by the PD's Ukiah reporter Glenda…

What’s Wrong With Wiggins?

STATE SENATOR PAT WIGGINS, whose increasingly erratic public behavior was recently noted by the AVA, startled a public hearing last week when she suddenly and…
