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Letters to the Editor

LOOK ALIKES Dear Bruce aka Boss Man: This is the 58-year-old Napa guy who “grew up in Fort Bragg.” I'm a responding to Dennis “The Men­ace” Day. Also to Turkey Vulture: we called them buzzards…

MLPA Official Reverses Video Ban

An official from Governor Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger’s Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative today announced that he would finally allow the film­ing and audio recording of “work sessions” of the widely-contested process. This victory for freedom…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you’re sitting comfortably then I shall begin. The Anderson Valley Theater Guild will present its 2010 production over two week­ends in the very near future. The play is entitled ‘Dearly…

‘Armida’ With My Favorite Uncle

Last Saturday I returned from my early errands to find a mid-morning message on the phone from my uncle, who by happy coincidence also lives in Ithaca, New York a few miles from my house.:…

Virtual Living: Selling Self-Love

Last week, the president warned a graduating class against a few gadgets and toys, iPods, iPads, Xboxes and PlayStations, where “information becomes a dis­traction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of…


Our dear friend Quinton Duval died last week at the age of 61, and the world lost a most generous soul and a marvelous poet. Q, as we called him, was a quiet person and…

Four Seasons In Hell (With apologies to Rimbaud)

There are many real estate nightmares in the naked city. This is only one of them. — Ralph Wein­stein * * * Malibu, California — Call her Joni. She’s 75. She’s my father’s widow, his…

Farm To Farm

Some gardening friends have been enjoying sugarsnap peas for several weeks, they say. They planted the peas in October. I planted peas in April and the plants are still only six inches tall. On Saturday…
