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Return To The Emerald Triangle

Contrary to Thomas Wolfe’s dictum, you can indeed go home again. It’s just that there’s no guarantee home will be anything like the way you left it, if in fact it’s still there at all.…

Arf! Arf! Who Owns Nutmeg?

Last week began with a murder trial, but all the excitement was in civil court. Why? A dog. An adorable little dog, so adorable people steal him, go to court over him. Nutmeg is an…

Valley People

FOR YOUR CRUMB BUM FILES: Boonville High School's newly appointed principal, Jim Tomlin, told Dan Kuny and Rick Wyant they could sign up prospec­tive junior varsity football players the first day of school. Tomlin was…

Off the Record

This week: Tim Lincecum and his pipe, Yo Mama's Big Fat Booty, Mendocino County's man-beater of the week, and much more.

America Enters A New Time

I went to get my hair cut the other day in the town of Fortuna and waited ten minutes while the elderly barber finished buzz-cutting a young Mexican American. After the young man had exited…

Letters to the Editor

DEAR DAN Dear Editor, I'm addressing this letter to a man of stature in our community, former United States Congressman, Mr. Dan Hamburg. He is currently a candidate for the Fifth Dis­trict Supervisor seat of…

Pardon Me, President Obama: Or Not, As Recent Reports Show

One of Barack Obama’s campaign slogans as he ran for President two years ago was, “The change we need.” Unfortunately, for those in the Federal Criminal Justice System, this change has proven to be the…

The Bus Leaves At Four, Charles

When I got the news I was in Paris, sitting in the sil­ver rain outside Notre Dame. We were filming a street performer dressed in flowing red robes and on stilts. Sort of like you,…

Farm To Farm

On Friday the 13th I was supposed to pick up my 13-year old son from the Sacramento airport. He'd been out in Nebraska and Kansas for a couple weeks, visiting his grandparents and extended family.…
