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Killing Trees in San Clemente

Historical San Francisco/LA cultural antagonism (“Don’t call it Frisco”) is a quaint relic of a bygone era, or is it? Recently, when I came south for work on a movie project, an old friend up…

Off the Record

AGAIN, OUR PAPERS are lost. Or languishing at Petaluma's vast sorting center. Or some combination thereof. The Bay Area got its AVA's, as did Vermont and Atlanta and Philadelphia. The Northcoast didn't get their papers.…

Letters to the Editor

SAKO’S RETIREMENT PROBS AGAIN Dear Editor: The main thing voters should know in this election is that much of Mendocino County politics has been cor­rupt in the past, and that we, the people, didn't seem…

Non-Psychoactive Pot? CBD-Rich Cannabis Seized in California Raids

Mahmoud Elsohly, PhD, is best known for supervis­ing the only federally-sanctioned cannabis grow site in the U.S., a one-acre plot on the University of Mississippi campus. ElSohly also has a lucrative contract with the National…

Pot Forum At the Willits Grange

The Mendocino Medical Marijuana Advisory Board is co-sponsored a three-part medical marijuana meeting on October 2 with the Willits Grange. First was a DA Forum between Lintott and Eyster, moderated by defense attorney Bill McPike.…

Kent State: the First Amendment and the Death Of Innocence

Since the beginning of 2010, the Kent State Truth Tri­bunal has been focused on collecting and understand­ing the truth about the circumstances that surrounded the killing of four students and the wounding of nine others…

Farm To Farm

It's no secret what the main agricultural crop of this region is. Wine grapes are the most visible but for the most part only Big Money plants vineyards, whereas any fool peasant can pull off…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Once again my observations of Valley life from the skies above have been a little limited this past week and therefore the…

Panther Soccer 2010

Last Wednesday (Sept 30th), the Panthers once again were on their travels as they went south to play Rincon Valley Christian, a team that is in the middle of the standings but who always provide…
