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View Garbage

Do lawn signs help win elections? I sure hope not, but I fear they must, otherwise politi­cians wouldn't waste money littering area roadsides with them. A few years back, I drove the freeway across South…

Oh The Things Our Handlers Propose To Us

Once again it’s time for us warm up for that sacro­sanct American leisure activity, the trip to the polls! But since this journey always incurs a near-blinding storm of unhappily familiar verbiage and wind, it…

Sports Notes

Finally the 49ers won a football game last Sunday after five straight losses. Even though the game versus the Raiders was ugly and sloppy, the 49ers prevailed in Candlestick Park l7-9 to post a 1…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folk

This week I had a couple of postponements in my interview schedule and therefore decided to take a little break. So, instead of an interview, and in response to the many of you who have…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. But only to let you know the Public Service Announcements and to share a little Valley story of our times. PSAs. #134:…

Panther Soccer 2010

Following the season’s disappointing first league defeat, 4-5 to Calistoga the previous Wednesday, and the unfulfilling forfeit made by Tomales in the next game, the Panthers were certainly ready to play and get back on…

Beyond Brown v. Whitman: The Late Great State Of California

California has been depicted as a “failed state”: lead­ing the nation in unemployment, adult illiteracy, lowest bond ratings, the near lowest school scores, most people on welfare, highest number of homes underwater. With most of…


A good story cannot be devised; it has to be dis­tilled.” — Raymond Chandler Before the advent of the interweb, I frequented librar­ies and secondhand bookstores in search of good short stories, my appetite for…

An Open Letter to President Obama: Eat, Pray, Be Disappointed

Dear President Obama, It seems that the theme emanating from the White House is “Eat, Pray, Be Disappointed.” And yet, when­ever I do feel disappointed, I always realize that the alternative was John McCain, with…
