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Problem Solving, School Board Style

The Anderson Valley School Board seems to have satisfied itself that the complaints of Ernie Pardini, football coach John Toohey and other local football advocates, presented at the stormy October Board meeting, have been resolved.…

Valley People

MENDOCINO COUNTY has laid off seven more cops, two of them jailers. The Sheriff's Department is already so shorthanded it has no deputies on duty anywhere in the County between the hours of 4am and…

The Rest of the Story

Back in July, a jolly account of a drunk driving accident appeared in the Fort Bragg Advocate. It said that “Dr. Brett W. Stine had come within 'a hair's width' of being sent to state…

Off the Record

THE ARE NO Sheriff's deputies on duty anywhere in Mendocino County between the hours of 4 and 8am. If something bad happens between these hours, well, you're on your own. Two very bad things have…

The Greater Traitor

As an Irish-American, I ask myself, which of the two is the greater Judas to his nation: the Irish prime minister, Brian Cowen, or the American president, Barack Obama? Both of them are carrying out…

Two Roads

The Christmas tree is decorated.  The presents under the tree are mounting. We're in a flurry of cookie baking & decorating, wrapping presents and eating candy canes. Meanwhile, Julian Assange has his head in the…

Julian Assange: Wanted by the Empire, Dead or Alive

The American airwaves quiver with the screams of parlor assassins howling for Julian Assange's head. Jonah Goldberg, contributor to the National Review, asks in his syndicated column, “Why wasn't Assange garroted in his hotel room…

Off the Record

This week: The AVA takes Kendall Smith to court, the Covelo Flip-Out, microwave day and much more...
