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Posts published in “News”

Debate Screening

[Oct 15] The Av Senior Center is sponsoring another live screening of the Democratic debates on a large screen with a loud sound system Oct 15th Tuesday 5-8 PM. Light refreshments or bring your own.…

Fire Station Appreciation

[Oct 12] Yorkville Market Fire Station Appreciation Dinner Saturday, October 12, 2019 Featuring live music by Dean Titus and the Boont Jack 5 Barbecue Tri-Tip, salads, baked potatoes, chocolaty sundaes. $35 per person, a portion…


[Oct 12] Beer, Food, Fall Fun. Happy Hour 5pm, Dinner 6pm. June Hall, Mendocino County Fairgrounds, Boonville.

Open Firehouse

[Oct 12] Please join us for our annual Mendocino Volunteer Fire Department Open House on Saturday, October 12 from 11:00 to 3:00. This family-friendly and free event includes: Ride on fire trucks driving through town…

Open Art House

[Oct 11-13] Off the beaten path, in the middle of a redwood forest, we have built a beautiful straw bale house, full of our hand made furniture and paintings, finally finished and open for viewing.…

In Cahoots with Mendo

Mendo’s slow-moving Measure B Oversight Committee continued its slow pace last Wednesday, August 28, in spite of the Grand Jury’s attempt to get them off their collective asses.  In June, the Grand Jury urged the…

Looking Back

Let us start by more or less repeating the opening of last week's piece: The most important item approved by the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors at their August 29th meeting was…

Family Feud

Marciano Piceno was held on three felony counts and several misdemeanors last Wednesday, stemming from what his defense attorney, Assistant Public Defender Anthony Adams, characterized as a family feud with Ysidro Fuentes and his sons,…

Off the Record (Sep. 11, 2019)

THE WINDOWLESS FORTRESS on Low Gap Road called Ukiah High School launched into lockdown for half an hour one afternoon last week because of a vague student comment involving a weapon. School architecture itself was…
