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Fort Bragg’s Fog Machine

Have you ever been sorry you asked a question? At last week’s Supervisors meeting, Supervisor McCowen made the mistake of asking CEO Carmel Angelo what was taking so long to consolidate the half-empty County offices…

Off The Record

This Week: Kendall Smith's Portland junket; Dominic Affinito's sweetheart deal in Fort Bragg; Public attorneys take a pay cut; and much more

Lord & Lady Sativa’s 15 Minutes

It was only a landlord-tenant hassle, but the Courthouse was in a state of great expectation. The place was buzzing. Judge Ann Moorman, new to the bench, was scheduled to preside but begged off, saying…

Letters To The Editor

BILL MOORES STRIKES AGAIN Dear Supervisor Hamburg, This is in regards to case number (CDRES 1-2006 APN 132320-42 and 132-320-43) to be heard on 21 April 2011. On 10 March 2011, Mr. Fred Tarr (Planner…

It’s Unlikely A Fish Discovered Water

The golden “Great Seal of the State of California” hangs on the wall in front of the Ten Mile Court room in Fort Bragg. Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, warfare, and civilization stares from…

Easter in Mendocino

Holidays.  As a kid I don't remember Easter being such a big deal.  Maybe it's because all I had to do was wake up in the morning and all that was required was I find…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 1

At sixty a man has passed most of the reefs and whirl-pools. Excepting only death, he has no enemies left to meet... That man has awakened to a new youth... Ergo, he is young. —…

Letters To The Editor

CALL JERRY Dear Editor and AVA readers: I arrived at Tehachapi state prison with high hopes of something better to come. Sitting in the San Quentin reception center left me feeling numb. I escaped this…

The Great American Witch Hunt

Just as Guantanamo Bay detention centers and military tribunals have remained in place, the perjury witch hunt trial of Major League Baseball’s home run king, Barry Lamar Bonds, continued unabated and has now reached a predictably ugly conclusion.
