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Anderson Valley Advertiser

Brave New World/1984 — The Sequel

In the drugstore today I noticed a new (to me at least) product. I had to look twice, but the second look con-firmed what it was: A home test kit for marijuana. 99.9% effective. Now…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Newsflash!!! Tonight, June 1st at 7pm, at the Apple Hall in Boonville, there will be an open community meeting to ‘Save our…

Virtual Graffiti: You #%@#$&!!

Mindless yelling at one another is not new, nor is anti-intellectualism, but they do seem to be more ubiquitous nowadays.

Denial Ain’t Just A River

All a person really has to do is to listen closely to the lyrics to America the Beautiful, as my i-Pod lets me do here, to sense how very far we have come in just…

What We Do

The first few times I finished writing a novel (each book representing two or three years work), I was gripped by the same terrible fear that I might die before I could make copies of the books and send them out into the world.

Paul Hobbs & Ken Wilson: Wine Country’s Clearcutting Crooks

Paul Hobbs, internationally renowned winemaker with headquarters in Sebastopol, is described in his web site biography as a “trailblazer” and “prospector.” Those are fitting designations, if not always in the ways his publicist intends. Formerly…

Salmon & Water Wars

San Joaquin Valley irrigation districts, which filed a lawsuit this month to stop California's commercial salmon fishing season just five days after it began, say they're worried that fishing will harm the state's salmon populations,…

Memos Of The Week

Dear Deputy Walker: NOTICE OF LAYOFF — Due to continued funding problems, on May 24, 2011, the Board of Supervisors authorized the elimination of six deputy sheriffs positions in the sheriff's office. I regret to…

Letters To The Editor

HE’S NOT A CREEP To Whom It May Concern, My name is Tanner Furia-Miller. I have been on the 101 Kids Water Ski Club since I was eight years old. I am now 17. Every…
