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Exporting Our Brains

The Chancellor was absent as University of California police kitted out in battle gear vigorously beat and arrested students and professors at on the Berkeley campus on November 9. Called to account by the Academic…

Valley People

THE EERILY unseasonable weather continues with cold, clear nights and warm, clear days as we nervously eye our water sources and wonder how long they can go without replenishment. MAYBE THE ODD weather is driving…

Not Far Enough

Last month Mr. James Bassler was at the podium on Low Gap Road to urge the Supervisors to adopt Laura’s Law, a mental health strategy the anguished Mr. Bassler thinks might have diverted his disturbed…

The Newspaper Did It

The AVA hit the tabletop like a flyswatter. Judge Moorman seemed to jump in her seat. To emphasize an un-filed motion, the youthfully demonstrative public defender Andrew Higgins smacked my newspaper on the defense table,…

Off The Record

LIVING PROOF of the old adage “You can't keep a good man down,” the good man we're talking about here is Vern Piver, the true mayor of Fort Bragg no matter who happens to be…

Close Calls

“Fate laughs at probabilities.” — E.G. Bulwer-Lytton For me to be born, my parents had to meet at Beverly Hills High in 1939, which only happened because in 1932, when my mother Avis was eleven,…

National Intervention

It's been a whirl-wind. Back to school after a holiday break for all of us. Bulbs in the ground, waiting for spring to start their sprouting. Meanwhile, a breath of relaxation before I hit the…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks

Dear Readers: To cut to the quick: Whilst I have thoroughly enjoy conducting these interviews over the past three years, it is a weekly commitment that I feel I need to take a break from.…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. ‘Gone but not forgotten’ — the following Valley Folk have passed in the last 15 months or so. They are fondly remembered…
