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Fair Notes

Rain threatened all weekend and finally fell in light mists late Friday and Saturday, just enough to sweeten the day-time air which, by early morning,…

Off the Record

This week: Hoyle & Hendry get sued, Aanestad takes over KMEC, Eyster promises to "revisit" Katlyn Long's death and much more

Leaf Us Alone

Joy Greenfield, the victim of the Covelo DEA raid, was recently at my river garden for a joint interview with a French reporter. For show…

Our Sunday Trip to the Boonville Fair

We left the rainy Coast early, swinging by the Albion store to pick up my parents.  We rocked out to the Putamayo Americana album en…

Flying To Eugene, A Short Story

Chris Jones, now a resident of Eugene, Oregon, says hello to all his friends, and is especially grateful to Morgan Baynham for Morgan's recent letter…

Balancing Budgets In Unbalanced Times

At the end of August, Mendocino County's CEO informed the Supervisors that the good ship Mendo was still in the hole to the tune of…

Frequent Flyers

Captain Fathom has gotten out of jail for the umpteenth time. He’d been accused of stealing a car, something completely out of character for the…

The Koran At Fahrenheit 451°

By the end of the week, the air was so thick with pieties about the need for tolerance and respect for all creeds that one…

Off the Record

ANNE MOLGAARD of the cigarette tax-funded First Five umbrella Do-Good organization, got off a completely unfounded memo earlier this week that has everyone who's seen…

Valley People

CHARMIAN, like Cher and Madonna, achieved single-name renown on the Northcoast partly, perhaps, because her column in this publication seemed an anomaly, a little old…

Obituary: Charmian Blattner

Charmian Ruth Blattner passed peacefully in the early morning hours of September 9, 2010, at the age of 90, dying in Ukiah not far from…
