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Mendocino County Today: July 17, 2012

THE GREEN PARTY has selected Jill Stein, MD, as the party's presidential candidate. Ms. Stein, a 62-year-old internist from Lexington, Mass, is already being denounced…

Mendocino County Today: July 16, 2012

THE SILENCE coming out of the labor-management impasse at Mendocino Coast District Hospital is becoming more tense by the week. Earlier this month, CEO Ray…

How I Became An Atheist, by Harry Fisher

After a childhood in the Hebrew National Orphan Home and a youth spent as a labor activist and merchant marine, Harry Fisher volunteered to fight…

Mendocino County Today: July 15, 2012

IN MAY OF 2010, 15 Congressmen, including Ron Paul and Bay Area Democrats Pete Stark and Zoe Lofgren, asked Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, to “assure…

Mendocino County Today: July 14, 2012

KRISTINA RAGOSTA of Arlington, Virginia writes: “Thank you for covering the very important issue of untreated mental illness and Laura’s Law. Unfortunately, the article posted…

Mendocino County Today: July 13, 2012

STEVENSWOOD SPA and Resort at Little River, just south of mega-tourist magnet Mendocino, is being advertised as up for auction, meaning the present owners have…

Mendocino County Today: July 12, 2012

THE SUPERVISORS have shunted Laura's Law off to committee, where it is likely to die a silent death. As some of you will recall, Fort…

Letters To The Editor

GRAND JURY FAILS AGAIN To The Editor: Another Toothless Grand Jury Report. The Mendocino Grand Jury completed their report on the Ukiah City RDA (Redevelopment…

Silent Spring, 50 Years On

California Governor Jerry Brown recently moved to restrict the use of some chemicals used as flame retardants, due to their impacts on human health. The…

River Views

On the Fourth of July the branches of the chokecherry trees in the yard bent nearly to the ground, heavy with fruit. The next morning…
