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Brutalizing Greece

Near the top of the list of horrible things I’ve witnessed in my life are the beatings of small weak defenseless people at the hands of big strong brutal people. We had two big vicious bullies at my elementary school, and when I started Third Grade, I was sick with fear for days after I saw those two brutes pummel a little boy. And the more I read about what the international hedge fund criminal banking consortium and their elected lackeys Merkel and Obama are doing to Greece, the more I feel the same disgust and hopelessness I felt when I watched those giants beating that little boy.

The Stony Lonesome: Open Mic In Caspar

It was a lovely early summer Albion day and I was enjoying it in the front yard with my Hungarian bombshell neighbor. Hungarian-American, I suppose is appropriate since she wasn't an emigre or refugee, and…

Road Notes, July 2015, Part 3

There are no vegetables in Wyoming, although we can hope that Dick Cheney will soon achieve such a state. In the west (to the east from the Pacific coast), the old joke goes "way out…

Shannon Hughes: Chef, Author, Artist

When she was invoked with special reverence and tenderness at Goldeneye Winery this summer during the benefit dinner for the Cancer Resource Center and she flashed her smile and waved from behind the counter at…

Off the Record (July 22, 2015)

A FRENZIED midnight knife attack Sunday two miles northwest of Laytonville has left a 17-year-old boy and a 52-year-old man dead. Two other persons at the Meadow Lane home of a prominent Laytonville doctor were…

Shepherds & Pot Growers

Mrs. Witt sounded a little like Zsa Zsa Gabor in Green Acres, a 1970s parody of a rich couple who moved from a penthouse to a hardscrabble farmstead. It sounded ridiculous that Ms. Witt didn’t know what her husband of three years did for a living or what kind of farmer he was.

Bird’s Eye View (July 22, 2015)

It was a veritable smorgasbord of activity and entertainment in the Valley over the past weekend. There was live music all over the place with The Ukeholics at Lauren’s Restaurant, The Subdudes at the Navarro Store Amphitheater, and “Dancing on Ivories” with Tom McDermott at The Grange; not to mention other events such as the Barn Sale on AV Way, the usual wining and dining at our various restaurants, and the wonderful first annual Heroes of Health and Safety Fair at the Fairgrounds featuring all the good stuff that our local firefighters and ambulance crews provide us with.
