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Growers Get Ready

Local cannabis farmers received some expert advice Aug. 15 from Samantha Miller, president and chief chemist of Pure Analytics testing laboratory in Santa Rosa, and Casey O’Neill, chair of the board of the Emerald Growers Association…

NorCal’s Invasive Wine Empire

Activists objecting to the over-growth of the wine/hospitality industry in rural areas of four Northern California counties have met monthly for half a year. At their August 15 meeting in Healdsburg, Sonoma County, one of the wine industry’s epicenters, they agreed to name themselves Wine and Water Watch (WWW).

Finding Hammett’s Falcon

On an unusually warm July evening for San Francisco, I sit in front of an antique Underwood typewriter in the room where Dashiell Hammett wrote “The Maltese Falcon.” In the former studio at 891 Post…

Wowser Celebration

Saturday October 24th 10am - 10pm Check us out in person or at or Facebook Wowser 330 East Commercial (next to the Mendocino Junior College North campus in Willits) Meet with the people who…

Cancer Resource Fundraiser

Big River Walk and Paddle for [against] Cancer Saturday October 24th Walk Begins 9:30 am at Big River State Park Walk or paddle for cancer this October at the 16th annual Big River Walk and Paddle…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Aug 25, 2015

LakeCo Fires;
Wine Train;
Court Race;
Homeless Campsites;
AVHC Pharmacy;
RR Water Usage;
Rainforest Alliance;
Motel Dreams;
Author Appearance;
Yesterday's Catch;
Trump's Hairdo;
Dow Dive;
Mein Fuhrer;
Tunnels Protest;
Museum Fundraiser;
Last Chance
