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Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Dec 10, 2015

Wet Weather;
El Nino;
Donald Wagner;
Racism Banner;
Tip Jars;
SoCo Supes;
Plowright Wanted;
Growers Aplenty;
Balancing Rocks;
Ads Disguised;
Police Reports;
Chemist Sentenced;
Water Scare;
Yesterday's Catch;
See Me;
Trebl'd Women;
Acoustic Music;
Carbon Trading;
Five Questions;
Approaching 1000

Coast Hospital Blues (& Reds)

A 2013 article in declared that “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result,” had become the most overworked cliché in journalism and public speaking.…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Dec 9, 2015

Windy Waves of Rain;
Dead Pedestrian;
Whereas Wreaths;;
Team Liberty;
Intoxicant County;
FB History;
Winery Restrictions;
Chez Marie;
Odd Remark;
Online Exchange;
Yesterday's Catch;
Transit Needs;
Mein Donald;
Trump Obsession;
Admiral's Rear;
Cannabinoid News;
Hate Crime

MRC’s New “Carbon Sequestration” Projects

Several thousand miles from Paris, where global heads of state are deliberating on a new climate change treaty with the infamous terrorism backdrop looming, a crucial aspect of the global campaign to limit greenhouse gas…

Letters (Dec 9, 2015)

Why would we build tiny houses to put the homeless in? This will likely encourage more homeless to come into our community, and we already have an over-abundance of them now. Do you really think they will take care of these tiny houses?
