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My Brief Career As A Karate Kid

On my way to the local junior college, where I attended classes for one semester while trying to figure out where better to go, I'd ride my small motorcycle up a main drag linking our…

The Stony Lonesome: Face Time

When one comes to prison—and in saying I in no wise mean to suggest that you, the reader, ever would, or should, travel down that unfortunate path, but shit does, in fact, happen—one likes to…

A Dog Story

Big Valley, California – The medical marijuana experiments have been going well here for Ralph Weinstein. His research is proving high grade weed and Russian vodka laced with pickled asparagus brine render it near impossible…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Kuny Hospitalized;
Sanders Win;
PA History;
Kitties Evicted;
Kunys Evicted;
Proposition 50;
Nutty Candidates;
Influence Peddlers;
Kitchen Fiasco;
Mountain House;
Yesterday's Catch;
Public Works;
Corporate News;
Fire PreVention;
Open Studio;
Panama Gotschalk;
Public Hearing;
Theater Review;
Missing Diver;

Mendo’s Persecution Of An Innocent Man

After ten years and a million dollars in litigation, Robert Forest of Mendocino has finally cleared his name. Pursued by an untruthful cop, a lying prosecutor and a careless DA desperate to be re-elected, Mr.…

Fishers Want It For Free

A close inspection of the May 3rd agenda for Mendocino County's Board of Supervisors shows this item in the Consent Calendar: “Denial of Claim from Mendocino Redwood Company, LLC for a Refund of Property Taxes.”…

Beyond The Bay Area’s Best 100 Restaurants

Where to eat? What to eat? And when to eat? Questions about food and eating proliferate endlessly. Each day brings new challenges, new desires and perhaps even new fears in an era of food insecurity.…

Berlin: Full of Beauty, Devoid of Virtue

When far from home in foreign cities, slowed by saddle sores or jet leg, menaced by security pat-downs or highwaymen’s pistols, the traveler is often beset by two contending impulses: avoid your own expatriate countrymen and women like the plague or seek them out as glue for your own identity fragmenting under the strains of the journey.
