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Bernie & Beethoven

When Bernie Saunders informed Rolling Stone last year that he “really loves music” and that his tastes were “eclectic,” I believed what he said. In his short interview with the magazine there was no evidence…

Election Notes

Over half of Tuesday’s Mendo votes remain uncounted. We’re not surprised to see the now annual vote count disclaimer from the Elections office, and will spare you, dear reader, the County Clerk's implausible annual litany of…

Bird’s Eye View (Jun 15, 2016)

I am in the “Big Heart of England.” Birmingham, the second largest city in Britain after London, and enjoying a pint and a steak and kidney pie and chips at The New Inns, a classic old pub built in the early 1900s.

Perchance To Dream

Ah, bed. Clean, crisp sheets, a good book, and the prospect of eight restorative hours freestyling the Lethe. As a person who has spent roughly 5,000 nights on hard prison cots, another couple of thousand…

Can Wikileaks K.O. Hillary?  

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Warrior Loss;
Peachland Gunfire;
Spring Flow;
Lydia Edison;
G4S Connection;
101 Tragedy;
McCowen Explanation;
Homeless Housing;
MCERA Sausage;
Pot Limits;
Yesterday's Catch;
Detroit Rebound;
Bern Betrayal;
Holy War;
Library Events;
Frack Ban;
Dustbowl Revival
