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Posts tagged as “Occupy Wall Street”

The Occupy Mendo Food Project

On the night and early morning of October 16th  to 17th, the San Francisco Police Department raided the Occupy San Francisco encampment at Justin Herman…

Off The Record

This Week: Fox News intellectuals, attack! County worker negotiations, continued! Local paranoids, stand down! and much more

Letters To The Editor

GRANGE REPORT Editor, I was off a couple weekends back attending the Grangers State Convention at the Palermo Grange just outside of Oroville. Four days…

Quo Vadis, OWS?

The question confronting the Occupy Wall Street encampments and their offshoots in scores of cities and towns around the country is quo vadis? Where is…

Occupy Yourself

In 1972, when I was in my early twenties, I founded a commune in Santa Cruz, California, a collective of eight people (with numerous and frequent overnight guests). We were disenchanted with American society, with America’s wars of aggression, with America’s pyramidal scheme of things, and with America’s environmentally disastrous use of the land, so we decided to explore new (to us) and regenerative ways to interface with the world rather than follow in the destructive footsteps of our parents and forefathers.

The Evolution Of Occupy Santa Rosa

A small but promising model for a better world has sprung to life on the previously sterile and generic expanse of lawns at 1st St. and Santa Rosa Ave., location of Santa Rosa City Hall, where participants in the growing Occupy Santa Rosa demonstration have assembled in a protest camp for more than two weeks.

Occupy Hendy Woods

Kathy Bailey, bless her all her days, argued for Hendy Woods at last week's meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Here, she responds to Supervisor…

Off The Record

This Week: North of Cloverdale, "0 percent" political courage; A math error in Ukiah; Strange times in Point Arena; and much more

The Civic Center

Come Fly Away the marquee read, A sign below said, eat the rich, Or, taxiderm them, another said, Ol’ Blue Eyes began to twitch To…

Occupy San Diego

A friend who was an organizer in the 60s and 70s invited me to attend Occupy San Diego “General Assembly” meeting downtown. And give him…

Protesting 101

You will recall the famous line from the movie The Wizard of Oz, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,” and how, until the little dog opens the curtain and reveals the fraud, Dorothy and her friends do, indeed, ignore the man behind the curtain and remain riveted on a false idol projected on a large screen obscured by smoke and fire. I remind you of this cinematic moment because it brilliantly captures the current cognitive conundrum confronting contemporary crusading consortiums, most notably the much-heralded occupiers of Wall Street.
