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Posts tagged as “media”

Mendocino Media

My uncle, the late 5th District Supervisor Joe Scaramella, was an avid reader all his life. He described the county’s media during his tour in…

River Views

The January 26th edition of The Mendocino Beacon ran a story headlined “Fort Bragg ax attacker convicted.” What readers may have missed is that the…

National Intervention

It's been a whirl-wind. Back to school after a holiday break for all of us. Bulbs in the ground, waiting for spring to start their…

Virtual Graffiti: You #%@#$&!!

Mindless yelling at one another is not new, nor is anti-intellectualism, but they do seem to be more ubiquitous nowadays.

What’s Going On?

One of my guilty pleasures is watching sports highlights on my computer, many of which are prefaced by thirty-second ads for shoes, cars, beer, and the Army.

How I Met The KZYX News Department

KZYX is advertising for a news director. Paul Hanson has resigned. I hope Hanson's departure wasn't inspired by an odd few hours two weeks ago…

Off The Record

This Week: David Eyster's promising start; Willits' blue-clay slip-slide; Jerry Brown's big lie; and much more

Poets & Artists

“The poet’s only responsibility is to write fresh lines.”--Charles Olson With all due respect to the organization known as Poets & Writers, I have always…

The Forgotten People

A computer engineer by profession, Salam Talib had moonlighted in Bagdad as a translator and driver for foreign progressive journalists during the early years of the US invasion and occupation.

The MCN Report

The history and highly unusual arrangement of Mendocino Community Network owned and operated by Mendocino Unified School District has come up for discussion recently among…

Richard Kruse & The Dumpster Divers

Debbie Kruse, beleaguered wife of Richard Kruse, the accused child molester from Albion, called the other day. In a chipper voice Mrs. Kruse thanked us…
